Tidal vs ATC

Thinking about my end game speaker and seriously considering one from either brand. On the Tidal camp looking at either the Contriva G2 or Agoria and on the ATC camp the SCM150 or SCM300.
Any thoughts on this battle? The tidal I know is a truly amazing speaker. The contriva g2 is the best I've heard and has an amazing finish.  But I see insane praise from ATC for being a very accurate and extremely well made speaker. Only issue is I have no local dealers for ATC in canada. Maybe after the pandemic is over I'll fly to USA to hear them... but honestly even that makes me a bit nervous with all this going on.
Any thoughts?

Showing 2 responses by roxy54

I was there and I thought it was the best by far too. And that is far from their best speaker!
The Tidal speakers do have an amazing finish, and I'm sure from what I have read that they sound very good too, but I haven't heard them, The SCM 150 I have heard, and for a good long audition at a dealer in Connecticut. I think that they are two different animals, from what I have read about the Tidals. They are both supposed to be accurate and transparent, but I don't think that the Tidals will be able to match the dynamics of the ATCs.
This past summer, I went to the Scottsdale Speakerfest with a friend, and we both agreed that a smaller ATC floorstander was the star of the show. I can't recall the model number, but I think that it was around 7k.