Tidal class-action

MQA declared bankruptcy.  I smell the fear of a class action lawsuit against Tidal.  We could do that.  Tidal has 8 million subscribers, we don't know how many or how long they all were paying double by subscribing to the 'nobody can prove Tidal has any tracks higher than 44.1khz' plan.  They probably have lots of people on phones who haven't even heard of MQA who trust them and wanted the one that sounds better.  They're right not to have to listen to any talk about MQA if they want the plan that sounds better.

MQA means you can't prove the file is an original copy or not. That Beethoven track you like it says is 192 could actually be Dua Lipa at 11khz.

The bankruptcy move was probably to protect themselves from Tidal, who is the receiver of people's funds.



Showing 1 response by troidelover1499

Anyone who has worked in law or in any serious business knows what is being said here about lawsuits or class action suits for this MQA thing is completely ridiculous. People should stick to talking about interconnects and speakers and cartridges. Please don’t enter the real world where you don’t live, the comments are laughable and completely ignorant.  The OP here going on and on like a broken record.  It really seems like a teenager flunkie trying his daddy's big boy pants on, and them not fitting worth a damn.