
I would like to get opinions on experienced ears who have had THX and DTS systems. I am thinking of getting a new receiver, perhaps a Denon and considering upgrading to THX. The problem is of course, it cost a heck lot more.

Does THX really make THAT much of a difference (2-4X the money!). I don't see many DVDs with THX around, is DTS enough for the next 5-7 years? I like DTS already.

There are MANY receivers in the used dept, here. Lots of good prices. I have a stand alone Meridian processor. It is thx, dd, & dts compatible. I have had dts for 8years /Before dvd even came out. Few discs are in dts. I rent a lot. In some systems it may make a dif. in mine it just plain don't.-- In mine; "It's all good". Other members and their systems may not have the same results/opinions. Just about all the "top 'o the line" stuff has thx/dts. That doesn't mean all else is less. Everybody decides how much they want to spend and what features they "need".--Get what you can afford with what features you 'have' to have. As far as the new dts ex pro logic2 and such--who knows where they are heading. --Not many discs 'here' either.
THX is simply a set of standards, The THX logo implies that the component or disc has met these standards (and paid all fee's to the THX group). Many components meet and exceed these standards even though they do not fly the THX flag. THX disc's do seem to sound better than non THX disc's, could be my imagenation?

Dolby digital and DTS: All dvd movies contain DD soundtrack, some also have in addition to DD soundtrack, a DTS soundtrack. I have yet to discover which sounds best as I have found that the sound quality is disc dependent and can swing both ways to my ear.

The THX logo carries a pretty hefty licensing fee (see previous posts on the topic). I have an older Lexicon unit with a Sunfire amp and the differences among the various formats is a question of taste. They all have different sounds, with IMO the THX sound being "bassier" throughout the spectrum. But we normally listen to DTS because we like it better -- the mids are clearer so dialog is easier to discern. I didn't think the premium was 2-4x. If it is, I'd be happy to use the money elsewhere and buy a lower costing unit that sounds great but does not have the THX logo. As always, try before you buy and/or make sure the unit can be returned if you don't like it. Good luck.
I've got a good pre-amp/processer (Bryston) and can enable/disable THX processing. I hadn't noticed but currently it's disabled. Bryston says that it may enhance playback for content designed for large theatres. Not sure what that means. Anyway check out the manual on the Bryston site - the appendix B has lots of information on THX processing and how it relates to DTS and Dolby Pro Logic. Maybe it's just too much information. And I might actually start enabling THX processing to see if it makes a difference.
Depending on the component, THX is not just a set of standards or certification. For speakers and amplifiers that is true, however for a processors/receiver to obtain THX certification, they must provide the THX decorrelation and EQ post processing. It's intent is to make the sound, particularly center channel dialog, similar to a THX certified commercial theater.

No offense to anyone but this thread doesn't seem to be really on point. No decent surround processor today is without THX. If one is looking for two channel it is irrelevant, but the point of present equipment is to play DVDs as movies or possibly sound. THX cert. has been around too long now to have a debate. The only question is not THX but rather to make sure what level of Dolby Digital or DTS sound to have.
In comparing digital formats- DTS is much better. If your processor will allow you to quickly switch between the two you will find it significantly better. Not much voodoo.
Yes the Casablanca III is a terrible SSP because it does not have THX, LOL. THX is both a standard and a post processing algorithim. I would not spend money for either of them.
Oh, I'll bet if you were over here watching a movie;--took a bth.rm. break--and while you were gone I switched to DD,-- you'd never notice,upon returning. I do notice some dts discs have more bass (more/not better) On "Hell Freezes.Over" the dts/ compared to the 44.1 going into a high quality 2ch dac, reveals just how heavy handed the dts mix is. ---Not to mention there are very few dts discs mastered / pressed; with the full bit rate. A member at avs posted a linc to all the dts releases. Of the many titles on the list,only 10 or less were pressed with the full capability of the format. Dances With Wolves (the original release) is one from that list. Any disc with a choice option is a compromise.-- Plus, they didn't want to press discs that you couldn't play--at all-- if you only had DD. DTS just had so much of a problem getting into the market place. what with encryption and bandwidth space on the disc. BTW; I had to send my processor in for a new dts chip./When I added a dvd player. I could play 44.1 CDs and LDs/ but not DVDs in dts. In the days since LDs; DTS has been a dissappointmet; thanks to the encryption thing.
Just "THEE" most important thing about "THX" is years earlier MFG's were making outrageous claims for power.--Thrusting the claims on unsuspecting consummers. THX put a stop to that/for the most part.
Thx , when it debuted, was benifitial for it set a higher bar in hardware manufacturers just as the market was being flooded with poor processors and recievers that was giving Home Theatre a bad reputation in the audio world. Since then the doctrines and philosophies of Thx have somewhat fallen out of favor in that dipoles for surrounds are no longer recognized as optimum. Monopole , matching speakers all around have generally been accepted as the correct methodology . The industry in general is better off because of Thomas and his pioneering efforts . Dts was far superior to dolby digital in its inception and caused the DD camp to shape up . The differences are now universally subtle with dts having a smoother midrange , tighter bass and slight dialog intelligibility improvements .
First off,don not buy a receiver! Go for separates. Buy a used pre pro and save a lot of money. Receivers hold their resale like a sieve.

I agree with Tim, don't waste your time with recivers. They are unrelable, amps and Pre/pro is the way to go.

I have had my amps for 7 years now, when new technology, like DTS, DD, PL2 comes out, I just have to spen money on the preamp.

Much better off in the long run
Personally, THX certified AVR have come down in price substantially. For example, consumers can buy over the Internet a Yamaha RX-V1400, THX certified w/ MSRP $799, for roughly $600. Such unit does video up conversion for ease of use; decodes THX format, Dolby ProLogic IIx, DTS; offers 2-channel stereo, 7-channel stereo, direct bypass; and, functions as pre-amp. Of course, there are non-THX units w/ MSRP of $199, which offers DTS w/ basic S-video switcher and no pre-amp output w/ about 45wpc. On the other hand, there are high-end units costing few grands, which offers lots of bell and whistles, decodes all formats, and still have lots of juice left w/o restraining power. It's true that THX decodes more bass. I could detect the subtle difference when switching back and forth between THX and DTS on AVR, and the movies used for testing were Finding Nemo and Monster Inc. (both THX format). It depends on your budget. If you want to spend $200 for DTS only, go for it. If you want to save the headache and possibly heartache, spend 3X more to get RX-V1400. If you want warmer sound, get a multi-channel amp or THX amp. If you want to your neighbor to knock down your door, get Ultra-THX amp. If you want the entire neighborhood to know your door down, get dual SVS subs.
THX isn't really the issue. The issue is DTS or DD encoding. Anything preceding THX will not use these encoding schemes and if your spending any money on a home theater system you are wasting your time with such a piece of equipment. The sound dynamics on modern DVDs from either of the these encoding schemes is what the medium is all about. Otherwise you might as well concentrate on good two channel equipment and be done with it. Anything with DTS and DD encoding will be THX certified. This was only an issue several years ago with early dolby prologic system that didn't necessarily include THX certification.

You can forget about making G. Lucas wallet fater and buy a Denon 3803/3805 and forget about THX and get a fine receiver.

There is a LOT of misunderstanding of what THX is all about. Originally, in terms of circuitry in a pre-pro, it was about post-processing the signal(Cinema EQ, timbre matching, adaptive decorrellation, etc.) in a Dolby Pro-logic system to make the signal match what you would hear in your all-THX system to what is experienced in a THX movie theatre. THX post processing is present in all processors that decode Dolby Digital EX. Also much of the original technology was incorporated in Dolby Digital such as adaptive decorrellation. Also, DTS is not incompatible with THX. THX timbre matching, adaptive decorrellation and cinema EQ can be added on top of DTS in some THX certified pre-pro's such as Lexicon's from as far back as the DC-1 in 1997. And the pre-pro is only one part of the standard THX recipe. With compatible THX amplifiers, speakers, etc. that has been set up to specification, THX certifies will meet a certain level of performance, that you will hear at home what the director intended. THX is really about quality and trying to quantify and set standards for superior home theatre performance. It is not the only way to great home theatre, it is merely a path that has been set up systematically to provide to you that what you hear in your home is what was recorded and experienced in a THX dubbing studio.

George Lucas is not involved with THX anymore. He's moved on to design a new standard with his company "Lucas Sound".

He sold the THX rights to Creative Sound Labs, and they've been putting that THX logo on lots of low quality stuff for a while now. THX isn't the standard it used to be. THX now has several "levels" of THX certification, based on the products intended purpose.