
Responses from dave_l

Dunlavy SC4 Speakers
I own both Dunlavy Alethas which I believe use the same drivers and crossover as the SC-IV (1 woofer per speaker versus 2 in the SC-IV) but in a more wife friendly enclosure, and Vandersteen 2s. The Vandys used to be my main music speakers but sin... 
Dunlavy for HT speakers
While I appreciate the opinions of the others, I would respectfully disagree that Dunlavy loudspeakers are not suitable for home theater. I own Dunlavy Alethas, an SM-I center channel, 2 SCI/AV surrounds, and a Velodyne sub for LFE content on movi... 
Depending on the component, THX is not just a set of standards or certification. For speakers and amplifiers that is true, however for a processors/receiver to obtain THX certification, they must provide the THX decorrelation and EQ post processin... 
DD/DTS decoders.
I'm not sure about the 56367 being the state of the art. The $30,000 Mark Levinson No. 40 is arguably a state-of-the-art product and they use the SHARC processor from Analog Devices. I don't believe DD/DTS are bit-exact decompression algorithms. T... 
Bryston owners: What speakers are you using?
I have the Dunlavy Alethas with a Bryston 4BST, which I think is a great combination. 
Phantom Center sound better than a center speaker?
Hi Jeff.My experience is that if you sit right in the sweet spot, then the left/right main speakers image properly and the center channel is not needed. But if you're not in the sweet spot, a center channel "anchors" the dialog to the screen rathe... 
Suggested speakers to take the place of Dunlavy
Roland,Sorry to hear that you've had shipping problems but if you like the Dunlavy, I wouldn't give up because of shipping problems. Obviously I'm biased as I have a pair of Alethas, an SM-I and a pair of SCI-AVs. The Alethas ship in crates, not c... 
Direct TV causing hum in audio system
I believe the satellite box sends a DC signal back to the dish to alter the horizontal/vertical polarity of the receive horn. If you put something in the line, such as back to back 75/300 Ohm transformers, you block the DC signal going back to the... 
Help with surround speakers - Dunlavy L/C/R
Seconded. Hold out for the SCI-AVs. I have Dunlavy Alethas as the mains and a shielded SM1 for the center along with 2 SCI-AVs in the rear. The sound across the front is perfectly seamless as the SM1 uses the same drivers, save the woofer, as the ... 
After Market Power Cables - Gold or Snake Oil?
I'm an engineer but my emag and circuit theory is way too rusty to even begin to argue one way or the other on the technical details. I'm sure folks could use Maxwell's equations, Lenz and Faraday laws etc. up the ying-yang to prove there was or w... 
Attention: Dunlavy Audio Labs out of business
Full disclosure: I have Dunlavy Alethas as my main speakers, and for home theater have an SM-1 center channel and 2 SCI-AV for the rear channels. Obviously I'm a Dunlavy fan. I never had any trouble with Dunlavy customer service, in fact quite the... 
Now something completely different
"I'm So Miserable Without You, It's Almost Like You Were Here" (Billy Ray Cyrus) 
How do you improve bass response in a null?
I had a problem not so much with a null, but rather a peak at 40 Hz. Though I had a bit of a null at 80 Hz, the response of the sub in the room was almost +10db higher at 40 Hz. Moving the sub around did help a little, but didn't come close to eli... 
room treatment 101, please
Anyone know of a free program that can be used to measure the response of a non-rectangular room? I've seen a couple for rectangular rooms but mine is more L-shaped. I know some of the companies that sell treatments, like ASC, do a free initial pa... 
Best amp for Dunlavy Aletha
Having just purchased Aletha's, I have not had a lot of listening time with them yet, but I use a Bryston 4B-ST. The person that I bought them from also used a 4B-ST. So far, I'm having excellent results. Imaging and soundstage are wide and deep. ...