Thoughts on vintage Accuphase

I have an opportunity to buy some vintage Accuphase gear -- C200 preamp and P300 power amp. Just wondering if anyone has opinions on this combo. More specifically, how do you think it compares and competes with modern equipment, and what should be a reasonable price. If I end up buying, I will either be driving P3esr speakers in a smaller room (12x13), or Sonus Faber Olympica II in a midsized room (20x15). Should I walk away and look for more modern equipment or do you guys think it competes favorably with new’ish stuff? I prefer a warm sound but not at the expense of details, transparency or tighter, fuller bass.

Showing 1 response by xenolith

Bought the P300, C200 and T100 as a group from (used electronics retailer) Thompson's Electronics in Eugene, OR in about 1996 for $900.  Smokin' deal.  Learned that the trio was on consignment from David Ogden Stiers (Major Winchester from M*A*S*H).  Was mostly interested in the (legendary) T100 tuner, however, the P300 was excellent; smooth, powerful and surpisingingly detailed.  Drove Acoustat 2+2's beautifully.  The C200 was unimpressive; sold it fairly quickly.  Kept the P300 for about 5 years.  Know you didn't ask about the T100, but kept the T100 for about 20 years; it's a great tuner.   

On a scale of 1 to 10 in terms of performance for what it is, where the T100 is a 10, I'd place the P300 at an 8 and the C200 at 4.

Have no idea what these things are selling for these days, but I'd think it a good buy at $1-1.2K for a good example of a P300 and wouldn't want a C200 at all, but can imagine others being happy with it in the $200-$300 range.