Thoughts on Tube vs SS amplification for Sony SS AR1s

Hi all~
Was hoping someone with more knowledge than me may be able to help clear up some confusion I’ve been having.
I recently was able to acquire my ‘unicorn’ speakers, the SS AR1s.  4 ohms, 88 dB, 28hz-60khz.
i have an integrated tube amp, the  Luxman LX-380, which on paper doesnt seem to deliver a lot of power for these speakers (14 w into 4 ohms), but i have been really surprised by how full/robust everything sounds with the Luxman in place. I had been advised that a more powerful SS amp (‘at least 200 w per channel!’)  would be needed to get the most out of the SS AR1s (and i have had a lot of SS amps in the past), but To be honest I’m pretty impressed with how it sounds already - So,  i was just hoping someone with more experience here could weigh in? Is it necessarily true that tubes just aren’t a good match for a speaker of this sensitivity? Would a more powerful amp like the luxman mQ-88uc (25 w into 4 ohms) be worth looking into? Would a powerful SS amp really make these speaker sing (and i just dont know what I’m missing)? I want to take advantage of the low-end of these new speakers (which is the main difference from my previous pair), so looking for some guidance re tube amps and exerting control over speakers like these.

thanks much!


It would be very interesting if you could acquire another high current solid state amp as an additional  data point. I must say though that the Accuphase is considered to be an upper echelon solid state amplifier. They don't  get much better than that esteem Japanese brand.


I just discovered this fascinating thread! I have a new LX-380 coming to pair eventually with Cornwall IV. But until the CWs ship in a week or two, given the OP’s results with his Sony, I’m going to jump in and try the Luxman on my trusty PMC IB2i.

At 89bd 1w/1m, 4 ohms nominal dipping to around 3.8, and with a sharp phase angle around 60Hz, the PMCs present a similar load profile to the Sony SS AR1. Typically, I run them with more than 200w SS Class A. If the LX-380 is able to do them any justice at all, I will be astonished!
Amp arrives tomorrow. I’ll report back.
@sfmorris , Hi Samuel,

Here's what I wrote in another thread about the LX-380 soon after I got it:

I’ve been playing around with it on PMC IB2i and ADS L1290/2. I’m rather stunned by its quality and versatility.

In theory, at 14w into 4 ohms, the Luxman should have no business with the 89db, 4ohm load of the PMCs in my main system. But it drives them with aplomb, easily energizing my 600+sq/ft room and sounding sweet, clear, and rich. It even provides decent bass, which is spec’ed down to 25hz on the Ib2i. Now, I usually drive these speakers with 200 watts of Class A solid state. In the past I’ve used 150w/channel VAC 300.1a tube amp. So, I expected the paltry wattage of the Luxman to strain and clip and choke, sounding thin and generally lousy. Quite the opposite: this combo, a complete mismatch on paper, sounds remarkably good. Not quite up to my big amps on these speakers but definitely listenable.

Moving it into my office system on the ADS L1290 was even better. These speakers are 90db at 8 ohms, a slightly more congenial load, but not one you’d think ideal. I’m kind of blown away by this combo. It is excellent. I might just keep it together and find something else for the Cornwalls!

Bottom line is, Luxman must wind some fantastic output transforms because this low-watt IA seems to drive anything.

All of this still holds, but I would add that while the Lux plays remarkably well with the PMCs, I have not chosen it as the best pairing. I do lose some bass control at high SPLs compared to my SS amps, so I've stuck with them. But the fact that it plays as well as it does it with the PMCs continues to amaze. With the Klipsch and ADS, though, the Lux is right at home.