Thoughts on extending speaker life.

For those of us who own speakers that are past a few years old, and those same speakers utilize dynamic drivers, what are your thoughts on extending the life of the rubber surround ( assuming that your driver utilizes this kind of design).
In general, as the driver ages, the likelihood of the rubber surround failing increases. Without actually replacing the driver ( not possible in some instances) what do you suggest to extend the life of the driver(s), if anything?

For those with other types of driver design, what are your concerns about the extended usage of this kind of driver as it ages?


Showing 1 response by avanti1960

I would not hesitate to use armor all if i thought the surrounds needed it.  i have some original polk monitors that are over 30 years old and show no signs of deterioration- but they are rubber surrounds and the grilles have always been in place.   foam surrounds will just need to be replaced if necessary.  not that difficult.   
don't sweat it.