Thoughts on balanced power

I have decided that my next system upgrade will be focused on AC power. I currently use a Furman Elite 15 PFi for all components except my amp which is plugged direct to the wall. I am considering balanced power and therefore have been researching Equi-Tech, BPT (which unfortunately I believe is now out of business)  and Furman. I have pretty much settled on the Furman P-2400 it, due to the reputation of Furman in the industry and price. I would like to get feedback from anyone who has one of these units. I would also like to hear from anyone using balanced power and your impressions. In addition, I am wondering about plugging an amp into this unit as opposed to direct to the wall. I am running a Plinius SA-103 which is solid state in class A/B for casual listening and class A for serious listening. I bring this topic up because my search turned up a lot of older posts but not much recent. Thank you.  

Showing 2 responses by thaluza

I have the Furman P-2400. It has saved my gear from a few power surges. For example, recently a construction worker cut power to my house. When he turned the power back on, all the gear that was plugged into the Furman survived unscathed, but my dac which was plugged into another power conditioner would no longer power up.

The P-2400 is very heavy and well built. I like that it has 14 outlets. It can draw 20 amps. The Furman can handle almost any home audio system, with current to spare.  My current system only draws 3.5 amps, so there's a lot of headroom. I had an OTL amp which created a current draw of 8.5 amps for the whole system, so the Furman worked well even with my power hogging OTL amp. The only drawback is that it has a captive power cord, and the front display cannot be turned off, but it can be dimmed. I bought mine at Amazon Warehouse for a great price, more than 50% off retail. I have only compared it to a low end PS Audio conditioner, so can't comment on how it would compare to the other brands you are considering. 
Are you using a dedicated 20 amp circuit? Thanks!

I have a dedicated 20 amp circuit. It is not being used right now as my music room is being remodeled. Hope to get it back soon.