Thoughts on balanced power

I have decided that my next system upgrade will be focused on AC power. I currently use a Furman Elite 15 PFi for all components except my amp which is plugged direct to the wall. I am considering balanced power and therefore have been researching Equi-Tech, BPT (which unfortunately I believe is now out of business)  and Furman. I have pretty much settled on the Furman P-2400 it, due to the reputation of Furman in the industry and price. I would like to get feedback from anyone who has one of these units. I would also like to hear from anyone using balanced power and your impressions. In addition, I am wondering about plugging an amp into this unit as opposed to direct to the wall. I am running a Plinius SA-103 which is solid state in class A/B for casual listening and class A for serious listening. I bring this topic up because my search turned up a lot of older posts but not much recent. Thank you.  

Showing 9 responses by falconquest

Ok, I have now taken a step forward in my project. I pulled a strand of 12-2 across the entire length of my basement today to allow for a dedicated 20 amp circuit. The goal is to install an outlet box in the floor and utilize a cruzeFirst Maestro outlet. This will power the Furman P-2400it. Pulling wire is soooo much fun!
I would love to get some feedback from anyone who has experience with both Equi=tech and Furman balanced power units. Ha! I sent an email to a commercial sound reinforcement company that is listed as a Furman dealer a couple of hours from my home. They are listed as a dealer on the Furman website and specialize in audio for gymnasiums, churches and auditoriums. Without going into details the owner of the company basically told me to F'off. He has great disdain for "audiophiles". But offered to consult with me for $120.00 per hour. Geez, I hope he enjoys the sound in his gym! I just wanted to get some feedback on the Furman P-2400it. I received the Maestro outlet today and it is now installed. Now to get the panel wired....

Coli - I find your comments interesting. You say Equi=tech is not "audiophile" not sure what you meant by that comment and would appreciate a clarification. The Furman weighs 90 lbs. and the Equi=tech 2RQ weighs 72 lbs. The Furman is priced at $2400.00 while the 2RQ is at $4300.00. This is why I'm leaning toward the Furman. I don't see what more I am getting for $1900 dollars in the Equi=tech.
Since my last posting I ran across a BPT unit here and couldn't pass it up. At one third the price of the new Furman I figured it would be a good way to try balanced power with less investment. I haven't put it into my system yet but that will hopefully happen this next week. I will share my impressions.
Ok, I have been living with the BPT since June and I must say, my system is extremely quiet. I decided to plug my amp directly into this unit to see how it performs and I don't notice any issues. The bass is tight and well defined and the system seems to have all of the power it needs. My only concern is that the BPT does not provide the surge protection of the Furman so I may move up to one in the future. Right now I am very satisfied with balanced power.
For my two cents, read above. Based on its past reputation I would lean toward Equi-Tech vs Equi-Core. You are on the right track though if you’re considering balanced power. My system is completely black with my BPT 2.5 Signature. I plug my amp into it as well. Equi-Tech wrote the book on balanced power.