Thoughts: Mofi Sourcepoint 888 vs Fyne Audio 501sp?

Thinking about either of these. I’m surprised there isn’t more direct comparisons as they’re both dual concentric and near the same price. Anyone try both or thoughts on these? Thanks


Showing 3 responses by patrickdowns

I would very much like to audition the MoFi 888 due to the rave reviews (though there are not many out there). I don't know the Fyne, but will Google it. 

@dayglow re "Be very skeptical about over the top rave reviews when regarding budget components. These high profit(%) products need to be sold in volume and quickly before the next claimed "Giant Killer" appears."


For sure! Andrew Jones (the designer, right?) has a stellar reputation, but yes, given the way they are sold, I am sure there is healthy markup. Buying direct from the manufacturer of brands that don’t have huge markup is IMO better. My Vandersteen 2CE Signature IIIs were an excellent value when I bought them 5 years ago (from a good dealer), and the price has gone up. I’d have to spend a lot more now to do much better, so I am not in any hurry. I move at glacial speed, because that 30-50% hit one takes flipping components all the time is death by a thousand paper cuts!


I don’t make changes in my system much, and have great synergy with what I have now. Synergy is so underrated, important, and often badly understood my newbies or people who think that just throwing money like darts at an a la carte menu of best components works. Nope! Cheers.

@dayglow - Fyne has a great rep and pedigree right? Their founder is an alum of some esteemed brands, iirc. And I am of Scots descent, so I'd be interested. Represent! I hope you will post a review or thoughts. Which one do you favor in their line.