Thoughts? - First Watt F8 / Vandersteen Treo's

Always have been interested in the Treo's after hearing these at a friends.  I have run across a lightly used pair but it seems to me looking at the specs these are not a good fit with my First Watt F8.  The F8 being a Class A puts out 25 W - 8ohms.  The Vandersteen site shows a minimum of 40W into 8 ohms and sensitivity of 85 db.  First glance tells me that this is likely not a solid combination.  Thoughts? 


What you will not get with the F8 on that speaker is real dynamic swing. Yes, it might sound good tonally, but those speakers deserve more power. I base this opinion from someone going from a FirstWatt M2 (25W) to Quicksilver Mono 120s (120W) on 85dB Dynaudios. The M2 sounds fantastic, but the 120s sound way more dynamically alive...simply no contest.

I hope you don't have issues with the F8.  More power is a lot more money.  The F8 drops to 15 w 4ohms.

Vandersteens are a little on the warm side. Bright tubes or Solid State 100+. Audio Research for tubes and Ayre for solid state are both very popular combinations. I recommend asking same question at the Vandersteen forum. It's an active a passionate group. You'll get lots of great suggestions.