Thoughts? - First Watt F8 / Vandersteen Treo's

Always have been interested in the Treo's after hearing these at a friends.  I have run across a lightly used pair but it seems to me looking at the specs these are not a good fit with my First Watt F8.  The F8 being a Class A puts out 25 W - 8ohms.  The Vandersteen site shows a minimum of 40W into 8 ohms and sensitivity of 85 db.  First glance tells me that this is likely not a solid combination.  Thoughts? 


Showing 2 responses by charles1dad


I drove my pair of Vanderteen model Sevens with an Art Audio 28wpc stereo amp that was simply amazing sounding. We use our own 40wpc class A tube amps that make them  really  sing also.

Art Audio has some wonderful amplifies. Did you have their Carissa 845 SET?



 Personally, i would haul the amp to friends Treo and see for yourself… 

If this is a possibility I'd definitely heed this suggestion. You'll know for sure. I also believe that the Volti Razz seems a potentially excellent option with your F8 amplifier.
