Those rare albums that are great on first listen.

You know the ones. They blow your mind and make you glad you're an audiophile.

Share your favorites.

For me it’s usually some style or vibe I haven’t heard before. My list so far is around 20, but I’ll keep it to my top 5. Feel free to share as many as you like.

!. Poe ‘Haunted’
2. Spirit “Twelve dreams of Dr. Sardonicus’
3. Midlake ‘The Trials of Van Occupanther’
4.Tori Amos ‘Little Earthquakes’
5. Skindive  ‘Skindive’



Showing 2 responses by bgross

Son Volt, Trace & Fink, Wheels Turn Beneath My Feet are two good ones that captivated me on 1st listen. David Bowie, Young Americans is a good one too

I agree with many if not all of the albums listed... I think Alanis Morissette's, Jagged Little Pill is pretty great & impactful front to back. Defines the 90s in many ways