Thirty Days in the Hole

Is that where MillerCarbon is? Can we expect to see him on the 9th?


Showing 7 responses by ozzy62

To young, to old, just right.. 153624. Inline 6 firing order. See I share.. :-) They are all the same..

Well, er... while we are at it. To and Too are not interchangeable. Ok, carry on.

He had some good advice to offer sometimes. And I lean more towards him on the political spectrum. That said, he was still an ass the majority of the time which killed his message for me.


The straw for me was when MC mentioned coaching a colleague on what gear to buy then charging a 500.00 fee for his effort. I do that s&*t all the time for nothing other than the gratitude. I'm happy to help steer a novice in the right direction.

For those of you wondering about MC charging for his "expertise". Here is the post from 2019.


millercarbon’s avatar


12,415 posts


Being in a remote area and patient my advice is order yourself a copy of Robert Harley’s Complete Guide to High-End Audio That’s what I did, and it not only saved me a lot of time and money, but helped me become a much better listener and better able to evaluate components. Its well worth the time and money just for what you will learn about listening.

And budgeting. You really need to learn about budgeting! Everyone, but everyone, gets it all wrong. Except Harley. Who by the way, was one of the all-time great reviewers for Stereophile many years ago.

Let me give you an example about how budgeting works. Actual example. Friend at work wants to buy her husband a really nice present, whole stereo, $2500 budget. Wants me to do everything. (Good call.)

So with that I budget out more or less as follows:
20% speakers $400
20% integrated $400
20% CD $400
20% speaker cables & interconnect $400
20% power cords & Cones $400

If you notice those numbers don’t add up to $2500 that’s because I take $500 right off the top for my time and expertise.

Remember when it was ok to have fun? Tell a joke? Comedy is sometimes about making light of a serious situation. Now people wake up wondering what they can be offended by today. Don’t say anything ethnic about anyone. Unless you want to call an old white guy a “cracker”. That’s still ok.

Geez guys, lighten up. Most of you are tighter than Dicks’s hat band.


put a small pile of your immense experience


Is small the operative word? Or is it pile?



When I look back at all the threads that have been deleted, and my own benign posts that were deleted, I have to shake my head. This is actually still here?

Tammy must be on vacation.....