Thinking of upgrading from pass labs x250

I use my my X250 to power my infinity RS4.5s but having to move it to my main room to power Dunlavy SCIVAs.  I was using two citations IIs on them but the tubes just sound flat.  I know the pass labs will get the job done and was thinking of upgrading the pass labs during the transition.  Sure would like to get a X250.8 but a huge price difference.  For your info I use a Dude tube preamp on the front end.  I'm one of the guys that like mixing tubes on front.  Just a preference I guess.  I know the X250 is worth around $1500, maybe a little more.  So if I throw another $2000 into an upgrade what will $3500 get you used that hands down will put the X250 to shame?  I can't find anything.  I'm a guy that likes great mid-range, and detail.  So, I'm not a krell guy...  Just interested to see what others think.  By the way read about the X250.5 and many people say it is not a huge step up from the X250.....
I'll never forget hearing those Dunlavey's at a dealer on Collage Ave. in Berkeley Ca.. The dealer was driving them with Sonic Frontiers pre and mono's, very nice.
Then he cabled up the Mark Levinson pre and the then unusual looking 333 amp. Boy did those jokers wake up while their presentation remained elegant! 

Pass is nice. For a more economical underrated high current alternative I'd suggest giving these folks a call.
@adg101 the Counterpoint I am referring to is really no longer a Counterpoint once you upgrade the unit with bi-polar transistors, chokes, resistors, caps, etc.  Then at the price point you will in with the other amps in the price range and possibly a lot higher.


I have played with a lot of amps over the years from ARC both tubes and SS, Krells ML, CJ, Aragon, McCormack, Parasound, PS Audio, Bryston, B&K, Forte and on and on... including the Counterpoint SA-220 mentioned above.

I currently own a X250 and don’t think you’re going to find a amp for $3500 that’s going to embarrass your Pass unless you’re not happy with it to begin with. I had a used X250.5 in my system for a few days that I should have jumped on but didn’t really feel was a huge improvement over my X250 but it was better. I have not heard the .8 but agree it’s a bigger jump money wise and the reason I haven’t made the jump but when ready will more than likely consider it. If your Dunlavy’s don’t require a big amp which once a Dunlavy owner myself I don’t think they require a big amp, look into a smaller Pass XA amp.

Without knowing your system I’d look at changing out the Dunlavys. I owned a pair for a short time and worked at a store that sold them so I’ve heard and know all the models. When the store I worked at picked them up they were the rage and I’ll admit I got sucked into the reviews and etc. and bought a pair, including their interconnects and speaker cables that were rolled off on the top - boring cables. The owner of the store was very kind to let me bring them back at no lose and I opted for ProAcs which I much preferred.

Sorry so long, but I think if you’re looking for a warmer sound then I’d look at other speakers and keep your X250. Another note; don’t buy what the owner manual says that power cables don’t make a difference... total rubbish - sorry Mr.Pass. I first started with a Kimber PK10 Gold and settled on a Wywires Silver Juice II which both cables nicely improved the X250 over the stock PC. My latest tweak which slightly, but did tighten up (defined) the bass was placing a hockey puck under the stock feet. I think I paid $2 a puck so if you think I’m nuts you’ll only be out 8 bucks if you don’t agree they work.

Good luck
There are a number of things you can do for the Dude preamp.  My friend has one and he did a few things.  Upgrade the 6SN7 tubes to Shuguang CV-181 tubes, upgrade the volume control to a KHOZMO ACOUSTICS volume control, change the output caps to either V-Cap Oil or V-Cap copper  I think the size is .47uF.  Also I can build you a hybrid power amp for your price with point-to-point wiring.  Think old Counterpoint SA-220 / NPS power amps without the reliability issues and better parts.

Happy Listening.  
If you're looking for mid-range and detail at $3500 you might try looking for a used Bryston 3B3 or 4B3.
You probably need new tubes for those Citations.   My CJ's start to sound constrained, stressed, and a bit weird when they want new tubes.   I'd re-tube it and not look back, but I tend to be a tube guy on the midrange and upper frequencies and solid state on the bottom end.