Thiel Audio Contact??

My CS-3.6 speakers died over the weekend.  I tried to contact Thiel, but the website is "under revision" and the phone number goes directly to nice piano piece then message.  No announcement that you have reached Thiel at all.

Have they gone out of business?  Hope not.  I need a pair of midrange drivers for my 3.6's.
There is a phone number and email address at the website see unsound's link above.
Got a very nice phone call from Rob at Thiel.  Thiel is alive and well in Kentucky.  They are providing excellent service for their legacy products.  Although my 3.6s appear to have been heavily modified, I'm fairly certain I'll get them back up with Rob's help.

I know a certain part of Thiel operates out of Nashville TN,
it is good to learn that they still have a presence in KY.

Recently, I scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers.
Our hope is that this company still has parts and customer service
for their legacy products.  Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
They do. I contacted them a while back on my first pair of 3.5's. One midrange's paper suspension had a small hole in it. 

They quoted $300 for each.  Not cheap but for such a great loudspeaker well worth the investment IMHO. 
I heard that Thiel was bought out by another company and they will be dealing mostly with H/T  crap! That sucks! I think Jim would be rolling over in his grave!

To all Thiel Owners. I have been enjoying my CS-5s for over 1 year now with Rob Gillum’s assistance.

Last week I purchased a pair of CS-3.7s that needed drivers to be whole again. So I emailed Rob this morning Monday, February 26, 2018 10:04 AM and received this reply at 11:17 AM. I received my UPS tracking information via Email at 1:27 PM. I will receive my parts in 3 days. I quote Rob’s response here:


“Thank you for purchasing the CS3.7’s. I am sure you will find them sonically beautiful. The owners Info, and outrigger cap needed will be sent free of charge with the rest of your order. I will go ahead and place the order for two CS3.7 coaxes and one passive radiator. Please visit my website to make payment at Once PayPal receives the funds they will send me an email, and I will expedite the shipment via UPS ground as requested. Thank you for the ownership of our products.”


Best regards,


Rob Gillum


Coherent Source Service

763 Newtown Pike Ste. 130

Lexington, KY 40511



I have heard and read to the contrary and felt lead to share my and Our collective good fortune with Rob Gillum.
Thank You for sharing your positive experience. Indeed, Mr. Rob Gillum is very much open for business.
Happy Listening!