Thiel 1.5 vs. 2.3

I have a pair of Thiel 1.5 speakers and am comtemplating moving up to the 2.3s. I'm sure there are people here who have heard both in their systems, and I would appreciate any comments. I've read the reviews and heard them at a dealer, but there's nothing like feedback from people who've lived with speakers.

Thanks -- David

Showing 1 response by rsuminsby

I used 1.5s for three years and just acquired 2.3s a few months ago. I'm very happy with the 2.3s; they offer a "taller" and somewhat deeper soundstage than the 1.5s, although not any broader. I currently drive my Thiels with a Bryston 9B-THX (rated 120w/ch, but delivers more like 170w), and have not felt shorted on power...but then again, i haven't tried a larger amp. I use Transparent Super, and have heard that Thiels perform best with a good networked cable (such as Transparent or the MIT Glen mentioned).