They Almost Never Quote A Price , Why?

Have you ever noted that most expensive audio gear web sites from manufacturer to retail stores withhold prices for most items.  I find this annoying, I can afford a certain level of expense but not any.  I know you can look for sales of used gear etc. etc. but I really want to see the regular retail price, it gives me something to think about or put money aside for. what are your thoughts abut this.

Showing 1 response by uncledemp

I usually get an idea of prices from
reviews, too.

It should be/is a common business practice to communicate the features and benefits of a product or service before discussing cost to avoid being viewed as a commodity and judged solely on price. Easier said than done, though, plenty of challenges.

The old, 'if you have to ask' saying seems like a quote from a Tuborg Gold beer commercial. Like, 'your perception is your reality'. Cute saying until your perception is pitted against gravity or other non-fluffy things.

I know a few guys with money, and they ask price, compare, and are respectful negotiators. They volunteer and give money away to charity- but not by spending carelessly. 

Sorry for the long post, quiet night on the farm.
