They Almost Never Quote A Price , Why?

Have you ever noted that most expensive audio gear web sites from manufacturer to retail stores withhold prices for most items.  I find this annoying, I can afford a certain level of expense but not any.  I know you can look for sales of used gear etc. etc. but I really want to see the regular retail price, it gives me something to think about or put money aside for. what are your thoughts abut this.

Showing 1 response by iopscrl

Price depends on how much the dealer thinks you will pay.  In this context, price is a variable.   If a price is quoted, then it becomes very easy to search online for a "deal" and the local B&M dealer may loose a sale.   Other than individual home listings, I see very few items of value that are advertised by price.  Watches, luxury cars, high end home materials, services etc are all advertised by unique features rather than price.   If product marketing leads with price, then the item is essentially perceived as a commodity with very little value added.   Commodities are sold by price, and the lowest price gets the sale.  Not a good business model if you are trying to differentiate your product in a crowded market.