They Almost Never Quote A Price , Why?

Have you ever noted that most expensive audio gear web sites from manufacturer to retail stores withhold prices for most items.  I find this annoying, I can afford a certain level of expense but not any.  I know you can look for sales of used gear etc. etc. but I really want to see the regular retail price, it gives me something to think about or put money aside for. what are your thoughts abut this.

Showing 1 response by bwaslo

My version is "if I have to ask, they don't want my business".  

No dealers are hurt if the mfgr lists a MSRP, I don't buy that argument in the least -- about no one actually charges full MSRP.  But at least it gets you well within an order of magnitude and lets you start a list of interesting possibilities without further delay and effort. Unless it's one of the VERY rare products which seems attractive to the exclusion of all others, but in that case it's worth exposing your email address or phone number to a dealer.  For others, it's not worth that, so we're left with internet searches, which seem kind of dumb if someone has bought an ad to supposedly give information about their product.