These Moody Blues Will Knock Your Socks Off!

He had other interests.   He was regarded as a technical expert on the mellotron for example back in its heyday having worked for the company that manufactured it    My understanding is he experienced a lot of success and just decided to move on to a different and perhaps less stressful stage of life.

As a side note, Pinder and now also retired Ray Thomas contribute on a track on John Lodge’s recently released solo album. Look it up. It’s a nice treat! First time those three participated in a tune together since Octave in 1978 or so.
I wonder what happened to Mike Pinder? He seems very comfortable on stage and even singing lead in those clips but he eventually left the Moodies because he couldn’t stand being on stage and having to do all the other publicity related functions of touring. That’s what I heard Justin Hayward say in an interview anyway. Anyone know anything about it?
The Fab Four to some extent perhaps at that time in that they were already the best known and most successful British Invasion group but the fabs and others would all tell you all the British groups initially were channeling the American roots music including blues, rock and roll and/or soul of teh 1950s. Chuck Berry, Buddy Holly, Muddy Waters, Elvis and all the rest.

It all changed when the Beatles emulated The Beach Boys Pet SOunds and struck out on their own with Sgt. Pepper. The Moodies followed suite in their own way with Days of Future Passed. As did The Kinks, Stones, Hollies, and so many more.  Then rock was never quite the same again as its simpler roots.

So it all started in America but took off from there overseas.   Where have we heard that story before?
Thanks, Mapman.  Not what I think of when I hear the name, "Moody Blues".  Seems like they were channeling the Fab 4 in a big way at that point in their career.  Notes accompanying that video are interesting.