The Truth About Power Cords and there "Real" Price to Performance

This is a journey through real life experiences from you to everyone that cares to educate themselves. I must admit that I was not a believer in power cords and how they affect sound in your system. I from the camp that believed that the speaker provided 75% of the sound signature then your source then components but never the power cord. Until that magic day I along with another highly acclaimed AudioGoner who I will keep anatomist ran through a few cables in quite a few different systems and was "WOWED" at what I heard. That being said cable I know that I am not the only believer and that is why there are so many power cord/cable companies out there that range from $50 to 20-30 thousand dollars and above. So I like most of you have to scratch my head and ask where do I begin what brand and product and what should i really pay for it?

The purpose of this discussion to get some honest feed back on Price to Performance from you the end user to us here in the community.

Please fire away!



Showing 18 responses by unfairlane

3,472 posts
11-28-2019 6:56am
"Question? In your humble opinion, what is the best Power Cord and what do you like about them from prices that range:"

$50-$100 / None
$200-300 / Oyaide (DIY)
$400-500 / Cerious
$600-$1000 / Acoustic Revive
>$1000 / Jena Labs

Obviously I haven't tries all cables available but these are the ones I've left in my system for any given time due to sound quality. It goes without saying that this is only my opinion. Yours will vary.  "


Not true. The best powercord is the one that does less harm to the electric power/signal. No conductor can improve anything, even if they`re priced out of this world. 

The only way to avoid any kind of detoriation is to use single solid core conductors, on primary site as well as on the secondary site.(=speakercables)
12awg is a minimum on the primary site (a poweramp might need moore) while 9awg is a minimum to avoid dynamic loss on the secondary site. (yep, nothing less)

I know this is not what your local stereo-priest tells but it is the thruth. 

2,087 posts
12-09-2019 4:51pm
Just curious, which single wire, solid core, 9 awg cable/wire do you use for speaker cables?
On the power side of things, you basically described Romex, which some well-regarded folks actually believe would make a good power cord..

I`ve spendt years developing a 4-way speaker system and it has never been singlewired but if I had to use just one set of wires I would still use our norwegian Nexan-made pfsp standard romex-equivalent. 
9awg is not enough though to feed a grown woofer, give it 7awg* and your amp will show it`s full potential, assuming it`s feed through solid core pc`s, no filters.
Back in those days I came to discover quite a few things, like how to make 100% inaudible/lossless IC`s, speakercables, spdif coax & powercords. Took me some years and endless testing to comprehend what I`ve stumbeled over. Sometimes the truth is so simple it`s taken for a joke..


The power cord is the major artery for the power supply, that`s why the last piece of cable is so crucial. 

72 posts
11-14-2019 8:11pm
"I have investigated cables for many years and power cable improvement seems differ with the component to which they are attached.
- components with "less-capable" power supplies tend to exhibit more of an improvement
- compared to the same cable when used on amps with massive power supplies, which tend to exhibit less of an improvement"


That ihas been my experience as well. I have a Bryston Int. Amp that doesn't seem to care what PC I use to feed it with. Other Bryston Amp owners have voiced the same experience. Robustness in power supply design is an important factor.

Some but not too much thruth in this. The problem here as with other hifi-cables is that they mostly are junk. Mybe a bit better than a standard cable but not much. If you want to wake up your Bryston, give it a minimum 12awg solid core pc
Well  the gauge is crucial all the way, and not only the gauge, it must be solid conductors to get a clean dynamic signal. A problem or challenge here is the fact that allmost no audio-designers are aware of this and they seems to design the layouts based on max continous power while they should multiply with 10 (yeah!) not to risk limiting dynamic output.

Good plugs are off course what everything relies on, but the male plug at the end of a pc is not where I would put my money.The female walloutlet is the one that might makes the difference. 

 The pc is the powersupplys main arteia, it`s what it "sees" into and sucks it`s power from. Off course you`ll need a adequate supply from your main box but I assume every serious audiophile is past that level

36 posts
12-15-2019 3:58pm
"They both do exactly the same thing on the same circuit. I don't think you have thought this through. Of course they have the same importance."

Good plugs are off course what everything relies on, but the male plug at the end of a pc is not where I would put my money.The female walloutlet is the one that might makes the difference.

Think again. The male is just a passive plug, just keep it clean while the female is all about how tight it wraps around the male and makes mechanic contact.

"   Any actual difference the new PC could/would make will be subtle "

- teoretically yeah but it is not true. Most hifi powercables are just bling though, that`s correct. Expensive plugs does not improve anything. But again; try solid core pc`s. Even a recording-enginer should be able to hear the imroved dymamics and cleaned up soundstage. Lesson: to hear a differnce there has to be a difference.

"  Second, audio memory is extremely perishable.."

- that`s an urban legend. Our memory here will depend a lot on our skill-level, a skilled listener will understand and get a lot moore information out of any sample.
 Imagine you`re on a jungle-safari for the first time. It`s your first night out in the jungle, and you can hear so many strange sounds while you`re lying in the tent trying to sleep. Your local guide on the other hand, he`s asleep allready, not worrying at all because he knows every sound and what they mean. But be shure, one "wrong" sound and he will be awake. That`s why he is still alive.
Just as we can remember a smell or a taste we can allso remember sound-experience. For as long as we live.

"   And doing that (A/B switching) to test a power cord is nearly impossible for a home audiophile.."

Now you`re beeing funny. Ever tryed this? Well it will off course depend on your skill-level AND the actual powercords, if there really is any difference. 

As a norwegian I`m also familiar with this little trick known as "turn the net-phase". Since our ac-plugs can be turned 180 degrees we do this. And wow, it makes a difference. First of all to 3D and bass-timing/weight. 
This off course confuses less skilled listeners but are easy as **** for an old geek. 
The thing I find most annoying here is the arrogance of some members.
Especially when comparing DIY products against companies’ products who invest so much into developing and improving their product, and are continually doing so.
And reviewers? Surely they have not been fooled, as you so blatantly accuse others of being.

I have no doubt some DIY cables are indeed very good value.
However, when I spend money, I’m looking for better than most of these can provide.

Sounds fair enough this, like you most people believes what those colored catalogs or salesmen says.

The worst ic I`ve ever heard was diy`ed absolutely by the book, massive copper in cotton. Even dipped in linseed-oil after a famous danish reciepe. But it screamed, and the owner did not allow me to do an autopsy on it so I`m still wondering why.
But on the other hand, the best ic I`ve ever heard was made from a dual lenght of tv coax fom vivanco. So you never know.

Most of my audiophile friends has been doing their own stuff for years. Wery skilled guys, legends in audio-circles, with systems which far surpasses anything you can buy. This is one side of diy`ing, the other is the amateurs. But even amateurs can hit the nail sometimes.

From a reader:

"  Unfairlane, can you explain your reasoning for why only single core would not reduce an amps performance? "

Yeah, years of experience
Sometimes the truth is so simple that it is taken for a lie. The only way to avoid any kind of filtering-effect is to run solid core copper of adequate size, shielded is a plus but not neccesary in most systems.

; you are right, no pc can actually improve the current even if a 6-7ft long heavy solid-core pc will slightly improve the flow from a stranded in-wall cable because it will act as a condencer to the powersupplies.