The Truth About Power Cords and there "Real" Price to Performance

This is a journey through real life experiences from you to everyone that cares to educate themselves. I must admit that I was not a believer in power cords and how they affect sound in your system. I from the camp that believed that the speaker provided 75% of the sound signature then your source then components but never the power cord. Until that magic day I along with another highly acclaimed AudioGoner who I will keep anatomist ran through a few cables in quite a few different systems and was "WOWED" at what I heard. That being said cable I know that I am not the only believer and that is why there are so many power cord/cable companies out there that range from $50 to 20-30 thousand dollars and above. So I like most of you have to scratch my head and ask where do I begin what brand and product and what should i really pay for it?

The purpose of this discussion to get some honest feed back on Price to Performance from you the end user to us here in the community.

Please fire away!



Showing 10 responses by clearthink

"The AC supply is a voltage at 60Hz. However the frequency of the power draw, i.e. current, is a factor of the load effectively modulating the line frequency".

That is not at all what happens you are confused, disoriented, and/or grossly misinformed as to the nature of AC power in actual use and operation you should listen to "delkal" contributor he is correct.

frequency and oscillation are not synonymous."

This is very true and valid of course but there are those in this forum who speculate how electricity works based on "feelings" and "what seems to be true" yet they lack the knowledge, experience, and understanding of the fundamental basics and elemental principals that apply and there real problem is that when you correct they're confusion and misinformation their so badly hurt in the "ego" that they cannot formulate, express, and convey a rational response we have an entire generation or more that is only able to function in a "safe space."

I do find your post rude, ignorant and disrespectful and it shows you lack knowledge in this area. I really do not know why you chose to post your disrespectful, inaccurate, and inflammatory post. The AC supply VOLTAGE is 60Hz"

I am sorry to have hurt you're feelings you are obviously a pensive, thoughtful, sensitive person I can only suggest, recommend, and advice you that when you make patently false, inaccurate, misinformed statements you should anticipate and expect that other contributors hear will respond with a proper response. if you seek a "safe space" where you're feelings can be nurtured, protected, and shielded from reality then you may wish to be cautious and circumspect when promoting you're unique technical explanations that conflict with established science and engineering principals. 

In this most recent post it is NOT TRUE that AC supply voltage is 60 Hz you are confusing voltage and frequency these are two very different things and your claim, assertion, and argument reflect a a fundamental ignorance of electricity.

"If you are going to be arrogant, pedantic, and rude, you better invest the time first to ensure you are not erroneous, ignorant, and misguided."

I understand that you’re feelings are hurt, that you’re ego is bruised, and that you’re self-image as an expert, authority, and arbiter of truth has been tarnished, damaged, and diminished and yet I congratulate you for stepping out of you’re "safe space" and venturing to where others can help you question, explore, and learn. Knowledge will come to you over time and I encourage you to continue you’re efforts.

I also encourage you to buy or acquire from you’re local library an introductory to basic electricity so that you can understand Ohm’s law and things like that, much of which is very simple! The complicated things come later but the best approach is to take one step at a time. Don’t give up you can do it! You are still very new hear to this group so time is on you’re side!

"I do find it a bit weird they insist on repeatedly showing their ignorance about basic EE, even illustrating a knowledge level lower than a first year technician let alone a first year EE student. Oh well, I am only providing the space, they are shouting at the top of their lungs."

You are still very new hear you will find your way over time and you seem to be smart so I think you will learn as you go there are many experts here to learn from!! Do not let you're feelings be hurt because you have made mistakes in your claims, assertions, or theories it is not personal it is science and engineering.

The pitfalls of being a teacher."
No thank you I am always learning your language and appreciate your help and reminders!

"...would have been smart for them to find out how I spent a good part of my career.’

Why don’t you tell us about your "career"? Are you from the advertising end of the industry serving as a marketing, advertising, and promotional consultant that is what it sounds like simply linking to "authoritative" links will not establish you as knowledgeable, expert, or informed remember there are many experts here so if you do not want to have you’re feelings hurt again be careful how you explain "facts" and "science".
audiozenology"You’re : you are Your: possessive"

Thank you English is not my first language and I sometimes make mistakes it is very difficult language to master! Mostly I am "conversational" in English but electricity is an international language so it is easy to see where your knowledge gaps are unless I misunderstand your English which does not seem to be the the actual case.
audiozenology" Show me a cable with bad professional reviews..."

Velloman cables have gotten some bad reviews in my country but that makes no difference at all they are really excellent cables and widely misunderstood by those like you who claim a "moral authority" to instruct others on the design, application, and use of products intended for use in a Music Reproduction System.

"Are you finished stalking for the day, or should I expect more angry posts? I am putting together a compendium of your rants and just want to know how much time I should allocate today???"

Others in this forum have accused you of being a troll/stalker and now I see further expression, evidence, and demonstration of that characteristic so you would be well adviced, counseled, and cautioned to observe the terms of service of this group both in "spirit and letter."