The title is:"There's No Such Thing As Digital..."

Subtitled: "A Conversation With Charles Hansen, Gordon Rankin and Steve Silberman". It's an interesting read if you're not yet familiar with this particular topic...or have only considered it briefly. I wouldn't call myself a digital expert, but I can see no reason to quibble with it one bit:


Showing 4 responses by nonoise

So it's more than meets the eye (ear). It makes me wonder just how long before PC audio is perfected and glad that I've stuck with those shiny discs. :-)

All the best,
So it seems there's more than enough room on the head of this pin for everyone to dance on.

One can go on for great lengths citing this and that but in the end, using my own ears, I've yet to hear a PC system easily trounce a really good CDP. The caveat in my belief is that I've only heard these PC setups at audio shows and later on read how great they were but they didn't sound any better than a great CDP setup.

Yes, it was fun to observe and oh my, look at the convenience and look, there's my entire library on a screen for me to have access to, .....

All the best,
Nice relevant posts, one and all. As Steve has pointed out, $5K will buy one a killer PC set up and that's just for the PC part. That was close to the total cost of my previous system. All I had to spend was $1600 on a source unit so a SACD demo unit was the way to go for me and even that was put on plastic.

Having said that, I'm getting killer sound out of my system that thrills me to no end. I even feel smug, for what it's worth. I also feel that I'm with about 90% of folk here who only have so much to spend yet still want great sound. Lots or recent posts are about bang for the buck and diminishing returns with opinions needed as to which way to go.

I chose my way and don't begrudge anyone who's willing to blaze the path to better ways to listen but for now, I'm content to take the road most traveled by as I know it well and how much it costs.

All the best,
Those units you cite are very favorably reviewed and considered to be up there with the best around. That Esoteric must be one nice unit.

Thanks for the cost breakdown: I"m sure it took a while to compose.
I'm going to bookmark this thread in case I stumble onto better times as a reference should I get the urge to experiment. :-)

All the best,