The Real Reason Why Music Is Getting Worse!!

I'm not a big Beato fan but he makes some good points at time. This is one of those times IMO. I know some of the younger generation will disagree with the whole premise. Being born in 1951 the boomer gen was hit with the same  indictment about the new Rock & Roll music. There was some truth in it. But we didn't care because we liked R&R. I expect the same from some today who like today's music. but I think if you listen you may find some morsels which can be enlightening. This is especially true for musicians who may find they agree wholeheartedly..

The Real Reason Why Music Is Getting Worse


The imperfections are what give music soul and they recognize it. No processing. Can you find soul today? Sometimes. But production kills it a lot of the time.

i concur.


I blame the proliferation of affordable electronic gear that made it possible for a bunch of "No Talent Bums" to be able to put their "product" into the mainstream ! People gravitate towards whatever is convenient but not necessarily valuable. A lot of garbage came from those home studios and now we are expected to call the preparators "artists" !

there is some truth here ...


None of my LPs have bar codes on them because I only buy records that were recorded and reproduced using analog equipment. Look at pictures of Rudy Gelder’s recording studio. His approach was the pinnacle of the art of recording music. I do listen to streamed hi-res music, but not if the beat has been put on a grid. Real musicians don’t allow technicians change their performances. Why the hell would a musician ever allow a technician change their performance? I understand splicing in a corrected note to a well-performed piece. However, that should be the limit to what recording engineers are allowed to do. Music should be recorded in a few takes, with the best take being chosen. And, from recording to the pressing of LPs, only analog equipment should be used. Then, the precious and life-enriching experience of music would be revealed. Listening to the stuff cranked out by technicians using all their tools to “perfect” music is like having sex with an inflatable doll; it’s a very sad substitute for the real thing.

there is some truth here also...


All of you are you three old boomers who squale about new music out of your decade ?

This argument from old age is preposterous. i learned to love music from all corners of earth except the music programmed by the north-American music industry proposed for POP Chart listening and radio listening ...Then nobody can accuse me of being nostagic of the Beatles whom i never bought anyway even if they are good band with good songs...( at 20 i listened mostly Bach and Monteverdi and indian raga +Bob Dylan and Léo Ferré poetry)


Good music is not always popular anyway... Good Turkisch music so good could it be will not be popular in America ...neither Japan Jazz...

Guess why ?

It is because the sleepwalking public is conditioned and programmed to hear bad music and the bad music itself is manufactured one "hit" after the other...


I already suggested new contemporary  music which is good and many others did also here...

The fact that some contemporary popular music is relatively not bad or even good dont change the reasons why most popular music is worse now...


I also disagree with Beato. Plenty of great new music out there. But it would be hard for me to find without services like Qobuz. Having young music loving musician sons that we had later in life also helps.

@celtic66 Good one. Except I do not  think the quote was from Cheers, haha.

Always thought it would be cool if the cast from Seinfeld dropped into the Friends sometime. They were both from NYC. It only makes sense. . .

Reminds me of one audiophile who put  a picture of some  uber expensive speakers on top of his.and pretended that was what he was listening to.

@cdc ...'cuz it'd likely cause ink in the tabloids they'd rather do without? ;)

Actors are just believable posers.....*L*

Music....*mmmm* Tough, esp. when it rubs taste the wrong way.  What to one set of head flaps is sheer noise is a 'tone poem' to another....  Yet, both may agree that last composition is Genius.  I've that in my life and what I've played into it to amuse or restore....

Hi, @mahgister ...How's the the Great White North and you in the thick of it.... ;)