The Rapid Rise (& Fall) of the CD

A few days ago, one of my favorite YouTube channels did a video on the CD. This channel (Asianometry) always does an incredible job telling the story of different technologies, technical industries and/or products.

I think most of you will find the 25 minute video to be very interesting.

Asianometry - The rapid start (& end) of the CD


Showing 2 responses by michaellent

+1 @kennymacc -

I totally agree with what you said about CDs and LP . When my age group is gone, those two formats will pretty-much dissolve. I have almost 600 LP’s and 350 CDs. CDs are with five bucks used. LPs are on average worth $10. By comparison Neil Young 50+ whatever year old LP, everybody knows this is nowhere, sells for $30. Who would buy new LPs of poor recording quality because you can get the same poor quality for a subscription To an audio service. The vinyl industry is really shooting itself straight in the mouth by doing stuff like that. My local record store will give me half of what an LP sells for on Discogs. That means my album is worth $30 cause I kept it for 100 years I get $15 for it. I hate Discogs! 
There’s my take on the dissolution of quality audio.