The Rapid Rise (& Fall) of the CD

A few days ago, one of my favorite YouTube channels did a video on the CD. This channel (Asianometry) always does an incredible job telling the story of different technologies, technical industries and/or products.

I think most of you will find the 25 minute video to be very interesting.

Asianometry - The rapid start (& end) of the CD


Showing 1 response by baylinor

Why arguing about what old farts and younger generations like. Big deal, everybody is different and that's a good thing. From 78s to streaming it has always been about the music. Arguing about how to play it is fruitless, to each his own. I do a little bit of each: Vinyl, CD, DVD/ YouTube for concerts on my TV and streaming Qobuz, Tidal and Amazon music for the majority of my listening. All running through my main system in the house of stereo. I sure as heck wouldn't bad mouth any of them. Why limiting yourself to one over the other, they all offer different experiences. Ending each post with happy listening makes you think that blogger would stand by it.