The psychological factor

Since I got a new amplifier a while ago, I have hesitated putting the volume control on the preamp past 12 o’clock because that was never a good choice with previous amps.  I was afraid I would overload the system.  I now find that factor was depriving me of the best sound I could obtain.
Placing it now at 12 or above, I’m now finally enjoying what the amp is truly capable of.
I wonder if anyone else has experienced anything like that.

Showing 1 response by clearthinker

I find the time of day is synergistic with the control position.
So 8.00pm when I'm wide awake I set it at 8.00.
By 11.00pm I'm getting dozy and find 11.00 best.
But if I really get into it and listen until 3.00am then I set at 3.00 - good and loud, so I don't fall asleep.
I'm thinking of getting a motorised control that automatically moves the control slowly to the right so I don't have to keep getting up from my chair.

People with remotes don't have this trouble  Their settings are like   24, 37, 54 or 116.
Perhaps squares will sound best - 25,   49,   81  or whatever.
If that's right then cubes and fourth powers must be better or settings that are powers of more than one root, 64 would be good.

Remote users, please let us know!