"The Mystery Of Sound Is Mysticism"


Showing 3 responses by deep_333

Every sound has a form associated with it and vice versa. In some eastern traditions and even in the native traditions of the Americas, sound was intricately used as ’one of the many’ tools to evolve this human casing in consciousness/evolve it to its ultimate potential.

What is this ultimate potential? Well, some of you good ol’ boys know Jesus. Jesus was born here as a regular ol’ carpenter, y’know? But, "something" happened to him and he blossomed, became "God like"..."God himself". The Buddha...he was a born a regular ol’ spoilt prince...but then, something happened to him and he became "God like"..."God himself". These 2 are the more "popular" ones. But, there have been many and some are still currently alive in the world...the "God like" ones. They are not gonna come out and tell you anything/become "popular"....because you know/remember what y’all did to Jesus?

Anyways, such potential exists within all of you and can remain dormant for many a wasted lifetime, unexplored. Some of you are probably nearing closer to the end of your limited lifespans, i.e., time & energy are limited resources. For some, life needs to give you many many beatings before you come to your senses, possibly align yourselves that way. Anyways....if not in this one....better luck next time ( exploring higher possibilities)....or the one after....or the one after....or the one after...or the one after...


The human system has very much a "energy based" existence that interacts very intricately with the known cosmos. It can't be measured with any conventional scientific instrumentation. We can't dissect ya like a toad and get anywhere with it. But, there are many energy points, convergence points, etc...which would all sound nonsensical to the modern self proclaimed scientific genius, for whom nothing is a living experience, for whom nothing has come alive/awakened.

Certain types of music from the eastern part of the world were developed with this in mind (with a very deep understanding of the human system) and it can very intricately affect the above mentioned.  Such a deeper understanding of the human system can only be developed by looking within...not by being be a haphazard, reactive, outwardly looking, shallow existence. 

Esoteric knowledge and the methods/framework for knowing have managed to survive/remain intact/retained in its sanctity relatively more in parts of Tibet, China, India, Central Asia, etc. In Europe, anyone who possessed any kind of esoteric knowledge was largely branded as a witch or whatever and burnt alive. In North/Central/South Americas, the European pilgrims ended most of them with such type of knowledge. 

In Africa, Islam has probably finished em all,,,the ones with such knowing.

Mystic knowledge is just a very intricate, advanced "science" that modern dumb science hasn't caught up with yet....All you've got right now is the Damocles/double edged sword (nothing to brag about). AI and bioweapons (modern science!) will probably finish everyone soon enough..