The most tower like stand mount under $4k

The title says it all.  What's the most "tower like" (i.e. accurate, musical, full sounding, not overly revealing or clinical) standmount speakers you've ever heard new or used around $3000(ish) ?

Also, what speaker (tower or standmount) are screaming deals of value and quality at or under this price?

I want to get quality but only up to the point of diminishing returns. I'm looking to equally spread the quality across integrated, speakers, and dac.

Just looking for the group to brainstorm suggestions for me. There are next to nothing in the way of brick and mortar hifi stores near me except Best Buy. 


Showing 1 response by chayro

I think you need to reevaluate your definitions a bit. Tower speakers are not necessarily more accurate, musical or anything more than standmounts. Some may have a deeper bass or fuller bass because of the larger cabinets, but that’s not necessarily the case either.  Second, a standmount speaker on a stand may not take up any more floor space than a smaller standmount. If you’re looking to put them on bookshelves, that’s another story, but unless you buy a speaker made for that, like Wilson Duettes, you are really compromising the sound.