The most beautiful Integrated Tube amp?

I need to buy a new integrated tube amp and due to the special reason that the one must very beautiful in appearance. Of course, sound also very important, but not the top priority. My loud speaker is bookshelf type W/89db, and sorce is analog.

I prefer "visible" tube type, not tube in the cabinet kind.
Please give me some ideas, thanks.

I'll have to go along with the Manley Stingray. It is a nice sounding amp also, a bit weak in the power department compared to some of the other recommendations but damn sexy and was designed by Eve Anna Manley who looks pretty good herself. I think my Cary SlI 50 looks pretty good also, especially in the dark with the tubes glowing reflecting off the chrome chassis. Ah, the joys of listening and looking at any of these fine open chassis tube amps that everyone has recommended is something to experience. Once you settle on one of these beauties you will want to listen all the time and wonder how you put up with mundane metal box stuff you have always listened to.
I own the Manley Stringray. It looks great, it sounds great, (if your listening room is a stadium you are going to want more power). In addition Eva Manley has a no nonsense attitude towards quality and customer service. My Amp poped a fuse. I called they told me to check the fuses. Told me if it didn't work call back, they will give their Fed Ex number, and turn the amp quickly or replace it with a brand new unit.
Aldosenet - a good place to start is the "Tube Lust" page at "Enjoy the Music"

I'm surprised to find so many votes for Stingray on a post on looks. I find Manley's Stingray to be the wackiest looking amp in their entire portfolio. However, I love the "Manley Neo-Classic SE / PP 300B" (these are not integrated as you require). When it comes to aesthetic, to each his own I guess...
JADIS ORCHESTRA...this thread is quite old but thats my vote...the 40 watt intergrated JADIS ORCHESTRA has 4 KT90 tubes is very beautiful...the 60 watt has 8 KT90 tubes!!! is STUNNING!!and the sound is just as lovely