The midi range, not the tweeter, is the most important driver in a speaker.

Grrr - I can't edit the title. Of course I meant "midrange."

Of course, this is not up for debate. I’m just posting something every real audiophile understands.

Showing 3 responses by twoleftears

Perhaps because mid-ranges can be great or just OK.

Whereas tweeters can be very good or really obnoxious.

So that's what draws the bulk of the attention.

Let's pose this question another way:

within the normal range of human hearing, how many octaves are typically handled by 1. the tweeter, 2. the mid-range, 3. the woofer?

I’ve found I’ve almost always liked speakers using Scanspeak drivers.

ProAc coaxed some serious bass from a driver not much bigger than a dedicated mid-range.