While diaphragm gas meters are commonplace, your gas company should be actively looking to replace them as smart meters provide remote billing and can detect leaks. Kind of a thing nowadays ensure a house doesn't blow up!
There is evidence that home gas explosions are on the rise and gas utility companies are held responsible for leaks that cause those explosions. And, of course, insurance companies pay for those damages so gas companies are on the hook to fix their own issues; not the homeowner. If explosions are up, insurance companies know it, and unless the gas utility upgrades their meters, their insurance premiums will go up, forcing change.
Your gas company should be actively looking to replace those meters and would be required to install it 3 feet or more away from the electrical meter to meet today's code requirements.
While my house was built in 2011, our natural gas company just last week sent us a notice that they will replace the diaphragm meters this year; and ours in particular in just a couple of weeks.
You should have a grandfather clause on your meter location and while it may not be up to code at this time, they cannot (IMHO) force a homeowner to fix a code issue, especially when the utility must be the one to do the work. It is their network; their risk.
If I had the issue you have, I would call the gas company and tell them you sometimes smell gas outside your home and would like it checked out. That should get the ball rolling quite quickly to have your meter replaced.