The Intellectual People Podcast - Galen Gareis (Former Belden Wire Designer)

Former Belden Wire Designer Galen Gareis explains how cables need to meet certain standards and the design parameters around them. He also speaks about the actual science and the subjective side within hifi audio.


Showing 7 responses by audition__audio

Are you now a cable engineer? How would you know any of what you spew in paragraph 2 other than reading it on the Iconoclast website? I have no problem with your opinion on the cables and also your belief in the veracity of the science, but enough is enough. 
You missed my point completely. If doug wants to be known as a journalist with any sense of objectivity, he needs to avoid being a propaganda conduit for the manufacturers. Simply parroting what Galen says, one of many cable "studs" by the way, is not journalism but marketing. This is exactly the type of nonsense that has rendered the opinion of most audio reviewers moot.
I guess you just dont understand. Has nothing to with hard work. What you wrote will not stand and I am completely shocked that you dont see the problem.

Well if you dont understand you probably never will but I will give it one more try. 

So Doug is supposed to be a reviewer who works for an ezine; both he and the zine are supposed to be objective. But, and I doubt Doug did a bunch of research on cable design before he wrote his article, he claims all of these attributes that read like they came off the Iconoclast website. More forgivable, but just as irresponsible, would be if he was "educated" by Galen on cable design.  

Third paragraph reads like a biography written about Hitler by Goebbels. Now I am not saying either Galen or Doug are Nazis or even bad people (obvious but necessary to point this out in this day and age) but what he wrote is nothing more than a honeyed synopsis on Gavin to add credibility to the cable and the company. 

So this comes off as an ad because it is an ad. I have no problem with any reviewer stating that he loves a cable but this is way over the top and lousy journalism from a supposed objective source of information.

So I am faced with this type of ad and what am I or anyone supposed to think? I can only guess that this type of journalism is written only with gaining favor with the manufacturer in mind. Why not just have the manufacturer write the review?

Perhaps its just me because no one has piped in, but I have had enough to this type of stuff. Hurts the industry and should insult everyone's intelligence. At least it should cause a very long pause.  

No Doug your article is an attempt to draw attention to both your writing and the cables. An attempt to sell both. I am done and I will try to refrain from commenting in the future because you obviously dont see the problem and never will.

Well when doug and dltech start sparring I dont know how much more fun this could be. An armchair dilettante or a self-styled audio journalist who writes for anyone who might possibly listen. The hubris on both sides is worth 10 times the price of admission. Both of you guys need to chill and stop taking yourselves so seriously. Blind listening........system building......blah blah blah pfffft!
Which manufacturer, I wonder, would not suggest using all of their components (or at least all they produce) in a single system?