The Insane World of High End Audio! Is it All a Scam?

This 15 minutes of youtube video by "cheapaudioman" say a lot and hide a lot...

He review low cost products ...

His analysis of audiophiles world here seems fair to me...

But nowhere in all his videos and in this one  he mention "acoustics" as the basis of audio hobby, the anker of any system  and gear piece  evaluation and satisfaction...

He  always talk about the gear... Probably acoustics for him as for most is only acoustics panels purchase...

My point is not that the audio world of audiophile is a scam with scammers...

Not at all.

It is ignorance  of what is acoustics basics that makes people victim of their own decisions  and a potential prey for honest or dishonest sellers..


For those who insult me here because they are what they are,


A new important article about music perception and why acoustics science matter,

Who repeat itself here:

Hilde45 attacking all my posts in many threads since few years, and deep33 trailing him...

or me posting new material to think about, if we own a brain :


Abstract :


«A great deal of research in the neuroscience of music suggests that neural oscillations synchronize with musical stimuli. Although neural synchronization is a well-studied mechanism underpinning expectation, it has even more far-reaching implications for music. In this Perspective, we survey the literature on the neuroscience of music, including pitch, harmony, melody, tonality, rhythm, metre, groove and affect. We describe how fundamental dynamical principles based on known neural mechanisms can explain basic aspects of music perception and performance, as summarized in neural resonance theory. Building on principles such as resonance, stability, attunement and strong anticipation, we propose that people anticipate musical events not through predictive neural models, but because brain–body dynamics physically embody musical structure. The interaction of certain kinds of sounds with ongoing pattern-forming dynamics results in patterns of perception, action and coordination that we collectively experience as music. Statistically universal structures may have arisen in music because they correspond to stable states of complex, pattern-forming dynamical systems. This analysis of empirical findings from the perspective of neurodynamic principles sheds new light on the neuroscience of music and what makes music powerful.»


The brain-body dynamic here at play in musical perception is at play also not only when we play a musical instrument, but also in our room when our ears/speakers/room form one vibrating sound source...

What i called tuning our ears/speakers/room using among other devices resonators ...

It is us consumers and reviewers who scammed ourselves by ignorance of acoustics basic concepts and experiments...

i had other articles to prove all this...

but i will stop here...if nobody is interested...


cheapaudioman is not the subject of the thread...

I use it to explain who scam who...



Cheapaudioman imho is trolling for clicks.

move on

Now Suppose,

That i justify my ignorance of acoustics by claiming that , price matter, gear matter, my taste matter more than acoustics basic...

We often read also that musical taste matter and all musical styles forms are equal...



Sorry but this is wrong...

Acoustics basic concepts including psycho-acoustics matter more than price, gear, and my taste generally...

If i claim the opposite as cheapaudioman selling low cost gear or Jay selling high cost gear, i deceive myself and others as they did unvolontarily by ignorance ... As do any consumers who buy without end in so called upgrades instead of doing basic study and experiments...


Suppose i had a cancer...

Which music i will pick to relax ?

According to my taste ?

Sorry no....

metal music will increase your tumor, classical will decrease them...

It is simple verified experiments in science :

Here the conclusion of this serious study :

«In this work, we found for the first time that different musical
genres can induce a different response considering cell prolifer-
ation and gene expression in tumor cells. More analyses are
required to determine how exactly a musical stimulus can induce
a response in supposedly non-auditory cancer cells, so far as to
alter the expression of genes involved in apoptosis and cell-cycle
control. We suspect that frequencies and amplitudes of the
soundwaves can change relative gene expression, but we still
do not fully understand the mechanisms behind this phenome-
non. More experiments are needed to unravel this mystery be-
cause understanding the effects of a specific type of music on
cancer cells could advance the potential of music therapy for
cancer patients, not only for the psychological effects, but as a
possible co-adjuvant to traditional treatment.»



There is no taste in acoustics, no taste in audio, only acoustics facts...

In medecine there is no taste either, only efficient music or destructive one...


in audio most people scammed themselves , reviewers as consumers ...


And for the troll who acxcused me of repeating the same sentence, it is the second scientific articles i refered to in this thread...I gave content,i discuss with my brain working,  i dont troll people giving repeating  idiotic sarcasms..

And for the other troll trailing behind my avatar for few years now , i will decide if i close the thread or others people will decide by staying silent...

Nobody arrogant will decide if a thread is closed throwing sarcasm or deciding by his own decision ...

The audiogon staff decide...