The evolution of Proac Tablette speakers?

I picked up a pair of Super Tablettes and am pretty amazed by their ability to throw a tremendous soundstage.  Since the Supers were the second iteration and there are eight versions after these, does anyone have any idea what the difference in the various versions are (assuming there is one)?

I’ve searched and there’s not much info about the differences between the various versions.  I’m guessing more alike than different, but if one were to get a different version than the Super, which would be an upgrade, if you know.



Showing 1 response by glennewdick

the original tablet 50's were my entry into hi end audio as a budding audiophile. Still have found memories of how great they sounded. I also agree they do sound stage like few others. I moved to the original response 2.5's after also great speakers. 

I think there was a few versions of the table 50 prior to them calling them supper tablet.