The end of physical media is neigh

Very sad news for me personally.  Honestly this struck me as hard or harder than hearing about the death of a beloved artist.   With the advent of machine learning and AI controlling our music listening we are becoming a world without any control at all over our music or movie culture.


Showing 3 responses by erik_squires

For the record...


I did not misspell the title of this thread.  I typed it correctly but Audiogon's server software changed it.  Horrible bug that creates typos where none existed before.  I know others have suffered from this too.  << ahem, cough cough >>

Related, but a tangent, is the way AI is taking over our listening.

Driving in my car it is impossible to ask for U2. Google keeps hearing it as Youtube and damned if I can specify "Play the irish band U2"

Alexa for instance can’t hear "Halie Loren" but plays some random artist with a name that sounds like Lauren.

And the number of times I wanted to hear a specific song from a specific artist and couldn't is often. 

I can’t deny the convenience of streaming. The problem I have is that we are at the mercy of whatever the streaming companies want to have in their library at the time, which is not a cultural or artistic decision, it’s based on negotiations which have nothing to do with anything but money.

And that’s fine, streaming companies have a right to optimize their offerings. My concern is rather, being able to share beloved movies with friends and younger generations when the powers that be have decided they are not lucrative or no longer available in your market region.