The best TT system for under 30K

Hi agoners! 

I have been floored by Kuzma Stabi XL DC with 4 points TA on a recent audition. It was extremely analog sounding, insane details with speed, beat and clarity that made me wonder if I am listening to a live concert, just can’t help my toe tapping. Was comparing the sound to the top of the line Accuphase CD player with the same rest of system and it was no contest. 

Switching from Accuphase CD player to Kuzma XL DC was sounding like adding a pair of subwoofer and going up 2-3 levels on the rest of the system. Mind you the rest of the system was Accuphase E-650 class A integrated that should favor the Accuphase same brand CD player but that wasn’t the case. The speaker was Kerr Acoustics K300 under 10K entry level bookshelf and the sound of the entire entry level system armed with Kuzma XL DC beat the hell out of the entire super high end system the dealer has on the other listening room with Avalon PM3 speakers, Accuphase A-250 monos, Audionet Stern Preamp with Accuphase CD player. 

However obviously I cannot afford the whole set of Kuzma XL DC considering I am also in the process of upgrading my existing system. What will be the closest contender in the US$30.000 retail price range that has the same sonic signature as Kuzma XL DC? 

Thanks in advance for any advices!!
Hi all, 
I am back! My dad condition dropped for a couple of days then getting better again. He is very stable already for the past week or so and we are not worried at all. I have to admit to overcome my stresses I tend to go wild on upgrades and while taking care of my dad I also managed to stole some times and got some more upgrades: 
custom teak cabinet and full teak furniture upgrades, big rug on floor both combined made a huge difference on acoustic, Franco Serblin Ktema speakers I fell in love on first audition in my room so it stays. Almost full Siltech Signature line cables everywhere (the rest are Shunyata Sigma, Acrolink Mexcell but will be replaced by Siltech in steps) thanks to @bvdiman a fellow member here from same city as me whom I chat with daily now, Jadis DPMC Phono stage (demo will be replaced by Jadis JPS3 today), Miyajima Step Up Transformer, Torus AVR16 power conditioner. 
The problem now is, after I put my Kuzma on steroids with the addition of external Phono and SUT my digital front end with Mola Mola Tambaqui sounds like mini compo radio compared to the Kuzma. What to do oh what to do 😅

Just looked at your room, beautiful analog setup. I absolutely loved the Franco Serblin Ktema speakers...are you bi-wiring them with E-650/A-250? 
Thanks for the compliment, I finally am on the right track. @bvdiman has been a great mentor and has helped me many times in avoiding costly mistakes. It’s time to attack my digital front end now. 
Ktema is not bi-wire able, I bypassed the power on the E-650. It is so freaking amazing, I can make it sterile or romantic depending on setup, very very transparent but retains old SF signature. I love it but I am still eager to listen to Kerr K100 if the dealer finally decides to stock one.
Considering Lampizator GG2 for DAC and Aries Cerat Talos Signature for phono. Home auditioning Jadis JS3 phono right now, it very nice but too revealing and unforgiving for me, all the imperfections on my vinyl pressing are being voiced loudly, I now really have to choose my Vinyl carefully because what sounded good before using JS3 is now sounding dirty on JS 3 (only on certain less than perfect recordings). Paying slightly more than Jadis JS3 I can get Aries Cerat Talos Signature.... make sense? 
Dear @uwiikz : I already posted something I will post again. With all respect you are a " panacea " / " crowns jewel " for any audio distributor because you are an analog new comer with $$$ and nothing else, your analog knowledge levels is poor because you did not have enough time ( years. ) to learn so you are making mistake after mistakes: your mistakes and your money too.

Do you know why exist a phono stage?, I will repeat again:

first than all to MIMIC the RIAA eq. curve used in the recording LP process. This is the main and more critical an important reason why exist phono stages units.

MIMIC means that the inverse heavy RIAA eq. in any phono stage must and should be permiting that the after the RIAA inside the phono stage the cartridge signal be accurately FLAT with both channels ( L/R. ) doing the same and with the same level of inverse RIAA eq. deviation.

The analog manufacturers and the true audiophiles and music lovers know very well those issue and today that inverse RIAA eq. deviation can’t be hiogher than 0.1db.

Things are that Jadis alond the Aries has a swing over 0.4db ! ! Truly bad, even Parasound 3k price unit outperform it and with lower noise levels . The FM 223 only 0.03db, that’s engeenering to the MUSIC/sounds service home reproduction.

""" The problem now is, after I put my Kuzma on steroids with the addition of external Phono and SUT my digital front end with Mola Mola Tambaqui sounds like mini compo radio compared to the Kuzma. What to do oh what to do . """

Nothing wrong with digital the problem is your analog electronics that are developing extremely high distortions ( every kind. ) levels that digital does not but seems to me that you like those kind of distortions that kind of fake sound so stay with, is your privilege. Btw,those " all imperfections "# with your LPs are " voiced loudly " because what I’m posting here.

If you don’t stop with your attitude of an " alone child in a full candies store " you can’t learn ever. This is not my opinion but a fact.

Btw, """   beautiful analog setup.. """, really?. Your analog set up is terrible when the TT is not in the rigth platform need it and is side by side to the speaker back and side vents bass woofers sound/Power. Just terrible contamination/degradation.
