The best plug in filter ever!

Puron AC Power Conditioner by Greg Voth

After reading rave review of Puron AC plug in filter, I had got one 10 days ago.

For your information my system is very complicated with bi amping and three Farad linear supplies.

Thus I have 14 power cables, one main power conditioners, three isolation transformers.

I had tried plug in fliters from quiet lines, quartet stecker, IFI, furutech, Nordost Qv2 and QX2 fliters.

I still have all of them in my system without selling any of them.

I am collector. 😁

All of them had brought slight improvement but not drastic change.

But as soon as I inserted Puron Ac filter, it made background black with more details and clear bass.

The stereotimes review is spot on.

Encouraged by the result, I had ordered two more of them so that I can insert more of them close to amps and Dac.

Now my system got transformed with more vivid and clear sound stage but not overetched.

This is the best 750$ that I had spent during last 5 years in my audio system.




Showing 27 responses by ozzy

You should place it in an outlet that will have the biggest effect for your Audio components. Usually that would be on the same outlet, but on the same circuit could also suffice. Try it both ways.



What I like best of the Niagara 7000 power conditioner is that my tube amps actually sound better plugged into the Niagara than plugging them straight to the wall. They have more power or oomph in the sound quality.

Adding the Puron’s brings out the images within the soundstage. I have found that using the Puron’s before the Niagara provides the best of both worlds.




Perhaps that explains why there was such an interaction with them being plugged into my Niagara 7000 power conditioner?



Not yet. Once I have found the final placement then I will.

Probably pretty soon!

Have you tried it?


I also now can conclude that more than 2 of the Puron’s on a given dedicated line can be too much. When I added the 3rd Puron the music started to bleach out, hopefully you can imagine what I mean. The stereo separation was good, but the music no longer had that grip.


Thanks for the help on this.

At this point however, I think the increase in volume is not a good thing, Sort of like I hinted originally in my first review, it sounds like the volume knob is turned up to 11. Seems to provide more distortion than pleasure.

I believe it has to do with the AudioQuest equipment. That is, I have the Dragon power cords and the Niagara 7000 power conditioners, their claim to fame is their bias conditioning. Whatever that is. I think the Puron’s are affecting that. I doubt if other types of power conditioners would be affected like these are.

More to come...

BTW, 2 are definitely better than one. I can tell the difference clearly on video. One Puron is good but the 2nd one really makes the image pop.


So here is something that I have discovered with the Puron.

I have just begun experimenting with them plugged into my AudioQuest Niagara 7000 power conditioner instead of at the wall and I have noticed a strange phenonium.

I started by using 3 Puron’s plugged into each of the 3 sections of power outlets on the Niagara. That is: High power, Analog and Digital.

To my surprise, the music is louder, quite a bit actually. I’m not sure if sonically it is an improvement at this early point, but the music is definitely louder.

Can the Puron’s be affecting the circuitry inside the Niagara? I wish someone else with this power conditioner could chime in, or perhaps anyone who can help explain it.



I tried the FoQ tape and at first, I liked it, but then I began to detect the closing in of the upper frequencies and the soundstage. So, I removed it.


Has anyone tried the Puron’s into a power conditioner? I initially tried the Puron’s plugged into my Niagara 7000 and did not like it. I even wrote a review about it. But now after many hours of working with them I have discovered certain things do not work well with the Puron’s. It’s not the Puron’s fault so just don’t be afraid to experiment.

Thus far I have been plugging them into the wall where the conditioner plugs in. But next step will be the conditioner again. Anyone find they work better in or out of the power conditioner?



I wasn’t able to try them yesterday. Today is the first with 2 of them on the same dedicated circuit.

So, with just a couple hours there seems to be more of everything. That is; bigger, deeper soundstage, stronger bass and for some reason the music seems to be a little louder at the same volume settings?



The only drawback is that keeping the Puron closest to the main AC equipment input/outlet is preferred. A long extension cord may negate its effectiveness. But you can try it.



I know these tweaking things sound questionable, but some are really impressive.

Besides, I have to do something with all my money before my heirs get it...



I noticed your comment about the MC-05. What do you think of using both the HF MC-.05 and the Puron at the same time? Prefer one over the other? I am using both the (HF Helix Signature+) and the Puron’s at the same time. I have never removed the HF plug while using the Puron. I guess I could, but to me, the HF stuff takes time to break back in once unplugged.

Once I get additional Puron’s I will no longer need to move them back and forth between my audio and video. Then, I probably will apply some NPS-1260.



Good questions.

Yes, each addition brought better sound quality in some way, otherwise I didn’t use it.

When I ran my 3 dedicated lines, I used 10-gauge wire terminated in several quad wall outlets with Furutech outlets and with Oyaide covers. I also have several 4-8 outlet heavy aluminum junction boxes that I made with Furutech outlets/inlets and 10-gauge pure silver wiring.

But most of my components are plugged into the Niagara's

I am such a tweaker...



So, do you think you will try a Puron?

BTW, on each of my 3 dedicated outlets I will have:

  • AudioQuest Niagara 7000, 1200 or 1000
  • HF helix signature
  • Isotek EVO 3
  • Puron


So, getting back to the Puron filters.

I just tried one of my Puron’s into the subwoofers (4) dedicated line... and indeed the bass sounds purer. I like it!

Now to get some more..


I thought the Akiko tuning stick was just a type of grounding device.


Thanks, jerry, for that recap info. To watch the total video is brutal.

I have one of these on each of my dedicated lines (3).


I also own a couple of the Isotek EVO 3 units. I think they are designed to remove DC noise. They do do something positive, and they are relatively cheap to try.


So, I have definitely changed my opinion of the Puron filters after continued use.

I have owned or tried: (as many of us tweakers have)

Nordost QX1, QV2, Furutech NCF, and the Add Powr eau2 units. I also have tried the Akiko products and I also own High Fidelity Signature + Helix MC-.05 filters. And probably a few more that I can't remember.

The first thing that convinced me of the Puron’s effectiveness is how much it improved my video. But it takes about 15 minutes to show its worth.

So, plugging and unplugging the Purons quickly really does not help in its evaluation.

It may or may not be a simple concept but whatever, it works well!

Dollar for dollar the Purons are the real deal and worth the cost based on the improvement in audio and video.

To me it is not a band-aid approach, the components are still the same, but the interference that comes through our AC is reduced. I’m glad I got a chance to try it, don’t knock it till you try one.

The next new " best thing" item may even reduce that interference further or perhaps eliminate it.



Perhaps not an exact answer to your question, but I am using the Purons with a Add- Powr Symphony I/O AC harmonic Resonator, and a Sorcer X4 within my system to good affect.



I have noticed when the Puron is first plugged into my video, it takes approx. 15-30 minutes before the image really starts to pop and progresses further with more time.

So, based on this with our audio, perhaps plugging and unplugging to test the results is not a good way to evaluate it. (Even though the Stereo Times reviewer did). There may be a residual effect when unplugged.

Just plug it in and leave it in for a day, then unplug it, wait about an hour, and then listen, do you miss it? 


I just got a couple of these, and I was wonderin’ if they require some breakin?

Also, any interaction with other devices like the Hi-Fi MC- pros?
