The best part about MQA bankruptcy..

Is going to be that we will see many fewer discussions on Audiogon about it! 🤣

Now we can all focus on hating on ASR and professional reviewers.


Showing 3 responses by 2psyop

When these types of services go down, we all lose. Less options for everyone. Whether you like MQA or not, it's bad for hi-fi listeners. 

We have seen an age with ipods, downloaded music, albums, CD, music streaming and much more. Whatever it is, you don't like... just bypass that media/service. 

Decades ago when CD sales took over albums and vinyl sales went down and down, as CD players and CD sales went up and up. Digital got better and haters of albums and turntables were saying you were a fool to keep albums. Manufacturers of quality turntables stopped making them, companies went out of business. Companies stopped making record albums. I always welcomed both formats and kinda ignored the haters. I couldn’t understand why people jumped over to the CD format and kept saying albums were sooooo bad. Now albums have come back, sales have gone way up.... past CDs. Even with HQ digital, albums are touted as better sounding??? So what is it really? Are we fools for luving analog? Are we fools for luving digital.... even MQA? Who is trying to make mega bucks from audiophiles? The turntable, cartridge and record album manufactures? Alongside the sleazy MQA developers? Even to this day... the debate rages on... digital is better than analog, analog is better than digital???

I say welcome any new format and buy what you want, nobody bends your arm. And please don’t try to convince me one format sounds better than another or one developer is trying to make money off the average guy...that debate has been going on for years.

The best part about MQA bankruptcy is that maybe people who don't like it or don't use it will stop bashing it. Or maybe they will keeping bitching about it for the next 20 years. Probably the latter...