The best and worst Audiogon poster's

I have enjoyed these threads very much. I feel I have come to know some of Audiogon's members thru there postings. I have my favorite's like the knowledgable gentleman Albert Porter, In his ear's I trust Mikeam, Tubegroover, 3Dman and the controversial and sometime's entertaining Carl Eber. Who are your favorites and why.
I share your love of the Clash and they sound amazing on a good hi fi system.I have been playing my vinyl copy of Sandanista.Its a joy to be hold.
Albert Porter is a personal friend. He is very knowledgable, simply because he has been at this for quite some time, and has tried nearly everything. He buys the best, from the best. He knows so many within the audio field, that he is usually one of the manufacturers "Test" guys, prior to sending a product to market. He usually special orders his components, usually shying away from Gold plate, opting for black finish. (And the ultimate up-grades from the factory, prior to shipment!). He is very open minded, sometimes tweaks to the extreme, isn't afraid to spend time and money on minor improvements. A serious audiophile, and a GREAT friend! (He's got to try the FIM cable)
Albert has heard my take on the FIM Gold power cord, the so-called "best in the world". We have similar tastes in powercords, and have heard nearly the same things from one of the Shunyata cords, for example. He knows what he likes in cabling, and I am starting to know.
That's funny, I thought that Albert and I shared many beliefs. (At least it seems that way when we spend a minimum of an hour on the phone each time we talk). Hmmm.
Hey guys, (Brian and Carl) you know I am the supreme Purist Audio guy. I am willing to give the FIM a chance, who is going to set me up with some? Remember though, Dominus is what is in the system now, and it is mighty tough to go up against.
I realize your rightful devotion to Purist. If you remember, you nearly had me purchasing an entire package a few years back. And, if you like it, it is good. Maybe I can send you some FIM someday though, for your evaluation. I don't have runs as long as yours though, so you may have to run yours on top. My earlier post just made light of the fact that we are good friends, that I value the friendship, and that I trust your viewpoint. Yours is an open mind, Albert. Many in our hobby have blinders on, restricting their view. We've talked of this before. Your friend, Brian
Albert any truth to the rumor that the Dominus cables are absolutely supreme with Renaissance church music? Boy you guys with your expensive cables! And I thought the JPS digital power cord at 350.00 was a lot!
"... we share similar taste in power cords..." My God, is there again better proof of why this hobby doesn't have any women in it! Keep smiling, guys.
I was a bit perplexed by the idea behind this post, but have finally figured out how to respond. The best posters are those that express their opinions honestly. Sure, express your opinion on a component, but please state whether this is based on actual experience, or if it is from reading it in a mag, or if it is based on your theories. The best posters are those that allow us to get to know them - let us into knowing their musical tastes, their system, their approach to this hobby. The best posters are those that display their personality a bit ( or a lot) - I am interested in getting to know the people here, not just the opinions - how can you separate these two anyway? By these criteria there are a good number that qualify for me as best posters here. As a result I tend to read a post more carefully if it is by one of these people. I think I shall refrain from naming names, for fear of leaving too many out. I concur with all those mentioned above, but can't agree with the negativity towards Carl. In my experience, the only people that stay upset by prickly characters (and I confess I have a soft spot for prickly characters - they are passionate and fun, and you don't find yourself checking for a pulse), are people that take themselves way too seriously.
I said the same thing...once! Audio is secondary to me. I am "conversing" with some nice people in this "audio world", which most people really do not understand. I think, that this "chase" for the "perfect sound" is actually, chase for the comunication! Comunication that the music is comunicating the "emotions", that ads little bit of pleasure, to most of us. Better the amp-speaker, communcator, more expensive supposed to be? or maybe the "escapeism". Escape from horrible jobs, mean spirited wife, clogged-up plumbing, rent-lady, flat tire, lawyers, cancer, hemohrroids (spell?)broken shoe-lace before going to work...etc etc. I listen my music, most of the time,in the car on the way to work, or in my work shop (painting studio)on the $10 Sony transistor! And even after the years of listening "classical", more stuff is there that i never heard before! I am mosttly into "rooshians" Germans and som,e italian composers! Ithink Brams, stole from Beethoven. And there is explanation for this "rumbling"...and that is the second bottle of Lindemans, Australian Cabarnet Souvignon, vintage 1998 (Highly recommended!)only $8. And soon the planet earth, wont be such a bad place to be on! Cheers!
carl_eber is by far the most incoherent poster I have seen in any audio forum on the web, followed very closely by Diva-David99. Their antics ceased to be funny long ago. They are dinosaurs.
Taking dinosaurs what about James McDonald he's got a Krell..that's a kind of dinosaur isn't it? Oh and Joe thanks for pointing that out about Carl& David99 since I have no mind of my own--big help thanks
As the year winds down my vote for Audiogon Jerk of the year with lifetime membership in the dink of the day club goes to Carl Eber.
Audiogon, please ban TMl2. We all know I would be banned if I said what he says above. What's the matter, the rules don't apply to everyone?
By the way, I think some of my favorite posters are:

Why? Because he is always constructive and never succumbs to negativity. I hope to learn this someday! Also has great opinions and taste in music. I've discovered some new music because of his suggestions. He has consistently added a 'calming' to many arguments that are turning ugly. A true class act. Some us should learn from him. Are you listening ?
Why? Very very knowledgeable, but not obnoxious about it. One of the most knowledgeable people, yet also one of the most refined. I have learned quite a bit from his postings. I have great trust in his opinions and explanations of 'how things work'.

onhwy61 Another person with insightful, intelligent opinions. An incredible writer, maybe the best on audiogon. His arguments are always brilliantly organized and structured. I theorize that he's a lawyer, a professor, or perhaps a retired meter maid with an eye for the stock market. He's a person who listens to all kinds of music and equipment. I especially enjoy his insights on the different genre's of music. I've also done business with him, and found him to be remarkably honest and true to his word.

John, you are giving weight to one post, and not the other. I wonder why that is? I don't succomb to negativity; rather it gravitates to me, and I defend myself as anyone with any self esteem would. I fancy myself a pretty good writer, least as good as Onhwy61. If there weren't so much personal and rule-breaking animosity towards me here, perhaps you would see that. In any case, I don't disagree with most of your above sentiments about your favorite members. We all have our favorites, here. Favoritism isn't usually a good thing IMO, but it is always unavoidable.
Actually Carl, I'll add you to the list of favorites! Why ?

Initially I thought about adding you to the 'bad' list as have others. My complaint being that you pick fights with people who are perfectly well intentioned and polite to you. Are you this rude in person? A few months ago you disappeared for a week or so. I was actually concerned that might have been killed by someone in real life. Maybe you could work on this.

Anyway, upon deep reflection, I decided that all in all I am glad that you are around. You add diversity. A mental minority (in the opinionate sense), but a distinct sans paragraphe exercise in the freedom of speech. The Larry Flynnt of Audiogon. (AKA a krell enthusiast) Without people like you and Larry around, the world would degenerate to an imitable homogenous mutual admiration society of generic-brand holy rollers.

The place would get stale.

So congratulations, you make my favorites list. I hope you accept this honor with rudeness and an irrational fit of rage. Happy New Year, and please keep coming back!

John L.
John_1: thanks for the kind words. But you've got to know that YOU too are certainly a credit to this forum for your indomitable sense of humor and open mind. I've got to say that adding adding Carl to your "good" list is a class act-- and I agree. The "Forum" would be a less intertesting and more boring place without Carl. Cheers, and Happy New Year to all of AudiogoN. Craig.
John, I do apologize for asking you, and wasting your precious time........................Hmm, I must say that John has definitely discouraged me from further participation here. I'll take it into consideration, anyway. (I hear applause from all over the world about now...all of you have a good chuckle on me, till you puke...)....................................Comparing me to a bottom feeder like Larry are too kind, and full of "class", and certainly MATURITY AND HONOR befitting your age and upbringing. Congratulations John, your superior intellect, mind tricks, and general false analogies and false patronization are doing the trick well........................And thinking/wishing? someone had "offed" me in real life too?....hmm, I understood that we were supposed to have love and compassion for our fellow man. I'll pray for you, John. And by the way, since we are flagrantly and nauseatingly patronizing each other here, I'll add you to my "list of favorites" too!! I bet you feel all warm inside..knowing that you're one of my favorites, AND that I'll be praying for you (lol!).......................I AM NOT RUDE. Technically, I never draw first blood. I simply vigorously defend my opinion, and even myself from presonal attacks that break Audiogon's forum rules here, and I will not apologize for doing so.............................If I break the rules, I'm gone. If you guys break them by attacking me, you get a pat on the back (you know from whom). Yes John, indeed no one has hurt me physically, and they aren't able to, besides. John, you are absolutely a "class act"...continue to pat yourself on the back, and be happy, like your good friend Larry Flynt (or perhaps James Carville would be more alalagous to you?). You deserve the full admiration of all my "carl-haters", and also to those who think I'm a "charity case"..........................I came to this forum with the idea of learning about audio, and sharing my experiences. Lately, I only see a bunch of 50 year old men who "can't take what they dish out" (rudeness), at least from an "up and comer"...and so they act like 5 year olds. I am not a member of your old boy network, and I refuse to take up playing golf in order to make myself feel a "part of the club". I know we understand each other...John, you truely exude "class". Happy New Year to you and yours, I know it means a lot coming from one of your "favorites".
Without a doubt, Mr. Eber, you are the most pathetic creature I've yet to run across in my years on the Internet. Guess which list of mine you made.
I feel the love from you, and I reciprocate. Also, I fail to see how I'm pathetic...and why you are allowed to personally attack, without your post being deleted. Who are you anyway, do I know you? You don't know me, so pipe down, you embarrass yourself.
Nothing but case of misdirected animosity. You people do not know a damn thing about the person you are attacking. Carl, you should ignore these insults. One more thing, you were right about Focal tweeters. Mine started "ringing", at higher volumes. But i am lucky, ACI will replace them with "Scan Speak"( 9300 i think?)
OK Carl, that's it! You're off the favorites list! Don't be sad now, it's for your own good. Who knows, maybe bad taste in audio will become a federal crime soon.

Happy listening.
Eldragon, I commend you for your artwork on your website (can you say "Reubenesque"?), and for your friendship/support here! Thank you very much! I do believe you'll like the 9300 much better, but if your baffle is routered for flush fit, it won't fit in the same place as the Focal (round in a square hole, etc.). There might also be different electrical parameters between the two. Additionally, the 9300 might be about 1 dB less efficient than the Focal (I'm not sure). If so, then you'll just need less series resistance in the tweeter's "pad" network (if not different parallel resistance also). I'm sure they'll have wroked all that out, though. Good luck with this, let me know how it goes! Happy new Year to you, Dragan. These old timers could learn about being a "class act" from you!!
And Craig, it already is "less interesting and more boring", in my opinion. Happy New Year to you anyhow. John could learn a lot from you! Perhaps he will.
Ok Ok Carl, Two things:
1. I should have said 'marrying your cd player' instead of 'bad taste in audio' being a federal crime.
2. The other is, I apologize for upsetting you so much. That's a bad way to start off the new year and I'd like to change it while I can. Let's bury the hatchet, in the ground, and stop this.
Peace for the millenium? Take care and Happy New Year. Gotta go! Football game's on !
Ok, as long as you admit that it's ok to marry your CD player, I guess I can burry my hatchet. It's caked with the plasma of audioguys who are almost as hardheaded as me, so it doesn't work well anymore...time to get a better tool for the job anyhow. I think I'll start by seeing how long I can stay out of this forum, and go from there. "Rejoice, rejoice, you have no choice....but to carry on". "go your way, I'll go mine". "Will it bring you happiness, will it bring you sorrow?" "Inna-gaden-of-eden baby..."(Simpsons joke) "Father. Yes son. I want to kill you..." Peyote might be the tool I'm looking for...nahh!
John & Carl; I am really glad to see you guys last couple of posts-- a good start for 2001. They show class on both your parts IMO. Carl, thanks for the new year salutations and same to you. And I mean that sincerely and hope we can all maintain cordial relations ("Hope springs eternal"-- right?). Cheers. Craig
Good "take" David-- I should have thought of that as I lived in Mormon country for awhile:>). Cheers and Happy New Year.
just so no one is offended,my daughter has been baptized as Mormon.Her mother is Mormon as is my girlfriend.The Mormans are very fine people.
Craig, that would be bigampy.

You're like the Tim Allen building a custom stereo system. I can see the episode now: Tim is contracted to redo a duplex. The best scene would be an Tim remote-opening the garage doors (single 10' drivers please) to demo the new system for the neighbors, then knocking out the power grid.

More Power !
Mormon audiophile, good one David99. Yes, I agree that the Mormon people are great people... but very clanish. I should know, I live in moron country. Spelling on purpose. If this offends anyone... sorry, I'm just expressing my freedom of speech!
Joysjane, just so you know, Soundlab is a Mormon owned company, and they build one of the worlds finest loudspeakers. Clannish? I have only the experience of knowing these particular people. If I were to judge them (which I was taught NOT to do in my Methodist religion) I would say they are some of the most honest, kind and respectful people I have ever met. That does not even include the other applicable descriptions, such as giving, creative, hard working and loving. I simply mean to say that if this is moron behavior, then we need many more such people, at least here in Texas where I live. Best to you!
Not only are they wonderful people, there are some great skiers among them. I became very good friends with a number of members of the Mormon faith when I skied Alta every year for 15 years in a row! I could never understand how a persons beliefs in a higher power would have anything to do with how good of people they are. Are we not all just soles trying to find our way. Seems this would be a better world if we could simply remember that and not look at eachothers faith for final judgement.
Albertporter, Do you live in an area where the Mormon influence is 75% of the population? I doubt it. Up here in country from Salt Lake to the north is High Mormon concentration. Have you ever tried to aquire employment where your religious affiliation determined whether or not you got the job? If not, please don't go of where you don't know! I am lucky that I am in a profession of which that doesn't matter. However, many jobs are filled in our area regarding as to which religion you practice, and if the person hiring happens to be in your ward. I would rather not go into this area, if you don't mind. And I apologize for my remark, and, if it offended anyone.
Joysjane. It happens to be against Federal law to discriminate against any person based on religion. In fact it is against the law to even inquire as to what religion you are on an employment application. I am surprised that you experienced this problem, and admit I have no experience with such matters. If you notice my posting, I remained on topic with discussing Soundlab, as this is an audio site. And as far as your request of preferring to "not going into this area," it was you who stimulated my posting by calling Mormons "morons." It is difficult for me to read such a broad label and not think about the people it applies to.
Albertporter, Yes it was I, and I apologize again! But it does happen, it happens here, and the said part is... we are in the year 2001. I apologize again for stearing this discussion off of the audio (head down in humble position)topic.
Joysjane. I am sincerely sorry that you have (obviously) been mistreated, it is a shame that any person should have to deal with discrimination in any part of life. Worst yet, with employment where one must do for a living what is necessary to survive. Since I lack your experience on this subject, I too apologize that we headed off in this direction. Your intelligent response tells me that we will be able to share the more enjoyable topic of music in other posts. You are obviously passionate about music, and your mature attitude makes me want to hear what you have to say. My sincere best to you!
while i never new the religious background of those who make soundlabs, more on an audio topic, i found it fascinating to learn that the founder of the company is in fact, deaf... strange profession for a deaf person. i couldn't help but tink of ludwig van...