The best and worst Audiogon poster's

I have enjoyed these threads very much. I feel I have come to know some of Audiogon's members thru there postings. I have my favorite's like the knowledgable gentleman Albert Porter, In his ear's I trust Mikeam, Tubegroover, 3Dman and the controversial and sometime's entertaining Carl Eber. Who are your favorites and why.

Showing 2 responses by sedond

while i never new the religious background of those who make soundlabs, more on an audio topic, i found it fascinating to learn that the founder of the company is in fact, deaf... strange profession for a deaf person. i couldn't help but tink of ludwig van...
yes, al, one of the audio rags did an article about him & his company a while back. which is why it reminded me knida of ludwig van - he kept at it, even after he lost his hearing.

regards, doug

ps - i agree w/sol - yure a class-act.