The bass is the place...

Seems like that most speaker manufacturer’s are able to deliver a speaker that can, and mostly does, a reasonable job in the highs and the mids, BUT the bass is where so many fall down! This is also what most manufacturers ask big money for...the more bass capability the higher the asking price. So, we are left with, at least IMHO, most speakers that really cannot produce accurate and extended bass with any real precision. Your thoughts? Why is the bass the place?
imo, 2-ways with sub cannot compete with a speaker using 12 inch woofers.

Then you do not want to hear this.
This will rock your world.

3,826 posts04-16-2020 1:28pm
imo, 2-ways with sub cannot compete with a speaker using 12 inch woofers.

What if the 2 way uses a 12"?

Then you do not want to hear this.
This will rock your world.

millercarbon your running a two way?

Am I missing something here? I’m all confused..

I used to play the bass (upright and guitar). I used my Ampeg bass stack as a so-called "sub-woofer." A bespoke set-up, but it works quite well.
Regarding multi-source bass reproduction, until I recently had to downsize my music-oriented multi-channel system featured five Thiel 3.5's with equalized bass down to 22hz.  No sign of room nodes, and with that many Thiel speakers, no power/sound level limitations even with the loudest of DVD movies.

hi there, im new to audiogon, and to hifi as well : ) - I think I got lucky my very first time in getting the system to disappear, using a psaudio transport and ds DAC, Cary 300SEi amp, relatively cheap biwires and Larsen 6.2 speakers. My listening space is an undedicated lounge and tv area, open on one side with speakers set up on the long wall, usually closed on the other with timber framed glass folding doors, and with a back wall of a sturdy timber and glass cabinet eleven feet from the front brick wall. The ceiling is nine feet high, my speakers are eight feet apart and my general listening area about eight feet as well. With an amp of 15wpc, biwire cables, and lowish sensitivity speakers, my system shouldn’t work, but it does. Vendors dropping by usually look round for a subwoofer, and tell me the frequencies are well balanced, and the bass is unbelievable for what Is feeding it.  I suspect it has to do in part with the ss rectifier output of the amp, and in greater part with the Larsen speakers using the front wall as a resonater, as they are placed barely an inch up against the wall. I don’t turn up my volume past 79db.