The 5 stages of making a bad audio purchase

This is tongue in cheek people, so let’s keep the replies light shall we?
The 5 Stages of Making a Bad Audio Purchase:

1. Denial: "My system, which before was of course totally awesome, is now totally awesomer! The sound stage isn’t just 3 dimensional any more, it is 4 dimensional. I can feel fingers sliding across guitar strings, drums are like my head is against the snare, and the bass goes 10hz lower ...."

2. Anger: "WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DON’T BELIEVE MY SYSTEM WENT FROM AWESOME TO AWESOMER!!!. You obviously have a crap system, your ears are crap, you are just jealous."

3. Bargaining: "Hey, this gadget will make your already awesome system totally awesomer! 60% of MFR list is a great deal for it! That’s 40% off and you don’t even have to pay tax. I am only selling it because I am upgrading to the even awesomer version 2. My loss is your gain."

4. Depression: "I can’t believe I spent $5,000 on this thing ....."

5. Acceptance: "Sure, 75% off list is fair."

Showing 9 responses by mwoh419

"Back to the topic.....Is it the Journey or the Destination that matters."

For me it's the destination... and everyone's destination may be different. 

Problem is you won't know you're "there"... until you have "arrived".
Step 13

After getting lost in the rabbit hole you find yourself thoroughly frustrated... sell everything... and start from scratch.

( not my experience )
" It’s all VERY relative. AND SUBJECTIVE. "

Hmmm...  that sounds familiar... and repetitive...and plagiaristic.
" Any particular component may have some particular merit in a particular system. However, the remainder of the systemmay exacerbate or ameliorate its flaws. "

Very True... and it seems I have settled on an analytical pre, neutral amp... and warm-ish peripheral components with open cabling.

Either way... it's working for me and my ears.

" >>>>I don't think I've seen so many logical fallacies crammed into one post since the last time I read one of your windy screeds. The anger and frustration jumps right out at you. "


" When I am on my death bed, though, there is one thing I am absolutely certain of. When I look back on life, having an audio system better than 99.9% of the population will not even make it into the top 10 of things I was grateful for. "

Sounds to me like someone who has their head on straight. ;)
" I listen listen listen to my system to really familiarize it.So I will know if indeed worth keeping any gear I Am auditioning, "

" One issue I see a lot is that many audiophiles don’t know where the sound of their system lies in the overall curve of sound quality. "

I don't worry about the curve... and I'm not looking for perfection.  That's just a dog chasing his tail. It's all relative to the individual anyway.

Besides... my 95% might be someone elses 50%. I'm looking for Nirvana... and when I find it... I will have reached my destination.

Been there already, and took a couple wrong turns.  Now I'm on my way back to it.  :)
" Buy used, buy also vintage, choose TOTL of yesterday, "

To a degree, that is what I have done... with some new in the mix.
" >>>>Apparently you never heard of a strawman argument. 😬 Nobody ever said he wanted a system better than 99.9% of the population or valued audio over everything else. Duh! "

Well considering the content and context of most of atdavid's posts in this thread... I'd say your strawman is imaginary.

Either way.... there's a 99.9% chance one of us is wrong.