The $27,900 disappointment? Wilson Audio Watt Puppy 8 issues.

GR Research gave a breakdown of these & I was surprised..

Owner looking to make them sound better.



Danny better be careful. Those guys that own Wilson audio are Mormons and they are known to be involved in unfortunate accidents if you know what I mean. I can’t believe he trashed them so bad he’s barking up a tree with a very big dog at the top of it. All I would take is a couple hundred thousand dollars worth of attorneys fees for him to defend himself and GR research would be broadcasting from a dumpster somewhere in Tennessee

FWIW, whatever changes Danny makes to the speakers other than upgraded parts, will make it sound like something other than a WP. If that’s what the owner wants, he bought the wrong speakers in the first place.


I wonder if we will ever find out if the owner will be happier with them when he gets them back. That is the only part that matters. If someone has the patience to scour the comments and post that we all would appreciate it! 

Isn't the obvious question why is he reviewing/modding and slagging a 13yr old iteration of the WWP?

You need to actually pay attention.  NOT a review.  Danny did not select the speakers, an owner sent in unhappy with the Wilsons.

Second video pointed out how bad individual drivers measured and the potted crossover.  Danny continually reveals the poor design and build quality of many speakers, all sent to him.

It's been a long time since I contributed to a forum thread here on Audiogon, but this is a topic I have direct experience with.

Many people make comments on issues they have no experience with. Opinions are great, but when contributing to a thread - wouldn't identifying what kind of direct experience you have with the equipment help readers?  

I owned a pair of Watt Puppies, then Sasha's and then back to Watt Puppies. I owned them for more than 20 years. Here's my direct experience.

Who spends the expense on Wilson speakers? Good question. While I visited my audiophile retailer (Woodbridge Stereo - a long time ago), when I first saw what I thought was the odd, funny looking speakers and commended such about them - my friend and salesmen responded in a very kind way "those speakers would humble you."

It wasn't until I coincidently heard them at a much later time, that I was dumfounded by them. They completely disappeared - all I heard was performers spaced in the room, on a stage in front of me. Everything was amazingly lifelike. It was at that point that I knew one day I would have them (even though they were way out of my budget!).

I eventually worked out a way to get them (another story - and thank you Woodbridge Stereo!). I paired them with a Pass XA30.5 amplifier - and they sounded great. The system weakness was tight bass - but I gave this up because everything else was amazing (I eventually upgraded to a pair of Pass XA-200.5's and enjoy music!).

So, to answer a few of the questions I saw (and no, I didn't read this entire thread):

- After hearing them, I couldn't enjoy music without my pair of Wilson speakers. At least not like I enjoy music now.

- You need a great amplifier (and front end) to drive them. That doesn't mean you need an expensive amplifier.

I enjoy my system because it does what I want it to do - that is, create the illusion of live music. We each should enjoy our system - it should do what we want it to do.

A safe, healthy and happy 2025 year to everyone :-)