Thanks to the Moderators

Many of us have had small issues with the moderators here at times, but I want to call them out in a positive way for monitoring new threads and closing ones that are meant to cause conflict and are not really related to audio.



I got a life coach they make all the decisions for me.i highly recommend them.i have no problems now.enjoy the music my life coach said I should listen to more elvis.


God Bless The King.

have not noticed any spam  tho i see someone said one of my posts was spam -hardly !  someone did not like one and asked it be deleted i did not see why but did delete it .  it was certainly was strongly related to the topic but i guess the tribe has spoken there is a narrow interpretation here unlike other places ! so i deleted and apologised in a PM to OP 
WWJD  just turn the other cheek ! some just not very nice people here troublemakers who will falsely accuse you .
sad one of the 10 things you should not do ( bear false witness ! ) 
I admin a dozen pages on FB and no bullying issue on them 
spam is obvious IME like a Bitcoin pitch in an exotic car page !
( I guess they think all Ferrari owners have $ )  
prob there is scams people, selling parts they do not have our good rules help prevent that  picture w/ name/ date so they cannot photoshop someone else's part photo 

what type of spam has there been here ? 


It's good for you that the moderators don't delete posts for bad spelling, grammar and punctuation.