Thank You, Audiogon Community

I just wanted to take a minute to say thank you to everyone here on this forum. There’s been so many times I’ve needed help with my audio system or needed to understand a concept or idea and I post about it here and in response, I get well thought out, (sometimes lively), experienced replies from so many of the members. This is really a great community with a great culture!

Just recently, I was having trouble understanding a certain type of power supply, and I reached out to a member and they walked me through it on the phone for about an hour. This saved me hours, days, perhaps weeks of research. When I offered to pay them for their time, they wouldn’t take anything. He said he just likes sharing his knowledge and helping others.

So to everyone here, thank you!

If you would like to, please use this thread as a place to share stories of how this community has helped you. 
Wow, that was very nice of Duke. I can only imagine how good your bass sounds. I’ve never heard a DBA, but from what I’ve read I’m convinced it’s probably the best path to good bass. As such, it’s on my bucket list for my end game system. I’m halfway there with two. 
After many years trying to get really good bass and being totally frustrated I one day here came across the distributed bass array. Usually when someone really figures out how to do something this hard they keep it to themselves. Especially if they also are able to sell it for a profit.

But Audiokinesis (aka Duke LeJuene) even though he makes and sells the Swarm subwoofer system went out of his way to answer questions and help me build my own DBA. About the only thing he didn't do was share proprietary information. Duke's and Tim's (aka noble100) compelling descriptions instilled in me the confidence to build my own distributed bass array.

After so much frustration suddenly almost overnight the bass has gone from the weakest link in my system to maybe even the strongest.
