Thank you AudiogoN and users, for civility....

I do not know the reasons, but AudiogoN users are much friendlier and kind in threads and especially in responses.  ebay is quite the opposite with responses that seem to hint of very fragile egos and quite simply mean spirited people.  Does this mean the average audiophile (audiopile) is a George Bush "kinder, gentler" human? 

Showing 3 responses by wolf_garcia

George H. W. Bush belonged in jail for Iran-Contra, otherwise I used to see him "striper" fishing (large boat followed by Secret Service smaller boats) when I was surfing in Kennebunk...he seemed nice from a distance... ya go: "As CIA director in the mid-1970s and as Ronald Reagan’s vice president, Bush helped forge a world of strongmen, wars, cartels, and refugees that continues today. In particular, he was deeply involved in the events that became known as the Iran-Contra scandal, a series of illegal operations that began with a secret effort to arm Contra fighters in Nicaragua in the hopes of toppling the leftist Sandinista government; this effort became connected to drug trafficking, trading weapons for hostages with Iran, and banking scandals." Memory indeed...
Get your history straight can give you that hint of credibility which you sorely need.