Texas Hurricane...the music of SRV

I ordered the 45 rpm box set...'Texas Hurricane', yesterday and am very much looking forward to hearing this box set. Since there are three versions...33, 45 rpm and a SACD set, I am wondering if anyone has heard all three? To those who own these sets, your thoughts?
I noticed that MF on Analog Planet didn't take to the In Step LP, complaining that it was 'digital' and therefore sounding thin and diffuse. However, since MF seems to dislike most ( all) things digital, should we take that at face value?.
My box # is 731. Haven't listened to the other LP's so far, only the Texas Flood....so I guess my above comments refer only to that particular LP.
What is your box number? I am glad your set is in better shape than mine.
Texas Flood is a good sounding LP on this 45 rpm set. SRV's Strat has a LOT more bite than my original pressing and there is far more ease to the sound. Having said that, what struck me as obvious, is what I am finding with so many of these 're-issues'...and that is- the original recording wasn't by any means what we would call an a'phile recording to begin with! Therefore, the fact that there was a LOT of lost information from the start cannot be made up later with these pressings. This was hammered home once again after I had first listened to 'Still Harry after all these years' on Sheffield Lab Direct Disk. This LP was recorded correctly and for maximum realism in the first place....the SRV LP...well not so much.
So, while I think the SRV set is so far superb, it is IMHO by no means a a'phile recording...the Epic recordings just aren't in the same league when it comes to capturing the finest details and no matter what you do with the original tapes, no one can add the missing information...Again, all IMHO.
As to the music, well it's SRV and that's why I am so glad I bought this set.
Received my set today.So far it appears to be very impressive. The quality of the box and the covers/inner sleeves is first rate ( no scuffs or anything else on my vinyl and no warping or off center labels...at least in the three titles I have opened so far). I'm going to listen to Texas Flood first and see how it compares to my original pressing ( which itself isn't anything to shout home about).
The sound is an 8.5 on a 10. I was really looking fwd to this box set, especially since Chad Kassem/QRP was pressing it - the reason I shelled out the monies for the 45rpm version. I guess I set myself up for disappointment expecting perfection.
I preordered my 45rpm set in Sept 2011 and my box number is 261 - higher than I expected since I ordered so early. MF is right about the In Step LP - not as warm and engaging as the other analog masters. Also, the vinyl was not as scuff free as I would have expected, since it was said that virgin pellets were used, and a few of the 200 gram LPs have the label off center and a bit warped. This is just what I have expereinced, so far. YMMV accordingly.

Not the QC I expect from Chad and QRP.
Rockadanny, I don't own the MFSL's. But, I'm sure they are very good. This new box set from Chad Kassem will be very interesting....I hope it lives up to the hype. I was listening yesterday to the Cat Stevens Tea LP from Chad, and once again, as I reported on before...was very disappointed.
For clarity: IMO the MFSL releases are superior to the Legacy releases. MFSL are not as painfully detailed, but also are not bleached out like the Legacys. You can hear deeper into the music on the MFSLs.
I have not heard any of those versions, but did have the Legacy CD remasters, and since purchased the MFSL CD versions. They are clearly superior and far less digital sounding. Texas Flood, Couldn't Stand the Weather, Soul to Soul, In Step, and The Sky is Crying.