Testing for Dirty Electrical Power


Is there any suggestion on a device that can test for Dirty Electrical Power?

One that I have come across is the, "Greenwave Broadband EMI Dirty Electricity Meter" on amazon.

I wanted to see (if it's really even possible) how my electricity is doing and then using the same device on my power strip (Isotek Evo 3 Sirius) to see if there is any change or if I end up getting any other type power filtration in the future, I would want to see how much better or worse that is making everything, besides just audible differences.

If my thinking is incorrect, please let me know.

I'm just curious to see if a device could tell me.



Showing 1 response by laynes

Also interested. I bought the same device and when I posted about it on Audiocircle I was informed that they are worthless but seems like an objective way to measure dirty power. My old house was a 19 but my new house w/ a dedicated line is around 70 IIRC. I plan to buy a PSM 156 at some point to see how that does...